Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [be] with " in BNC.

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1 That 's the certificate which I regret now is with South Staffs museum at Lichfield .
2 I had never been with a killer before .
3 As he added : ‘ I had never been with anyone who was always so very , very funny . ’
4 When all the time I had actually been with him I had always realized he was the type to make a pass at the nearest girl with his last gasp , and I had just happened to be that girl .
5 Our friendship had brought us closer than I had ever been with anyone before .
6 I 've just been with Michael Stein in Immigration .
7 Now to me you ca n't beat a better that 's one of the best insurance people I 've ever been with .
8 Lucy , I 'm in love with you like I 've never been with anyone before .
9 I 've never been with a girl , I do n't know how to react around one .
10 The England midfielder added : ‘ I 've only been with Leeds for a few days but that 's long enough to know I 've made the right decision coming here . ’
11 ‘ After all , I 've only been with them a few years . ’
12 I 've only been in the industry , I 've only been with this company for two and half years , and when I joined and had a look at what the industry was about , there were thirty express overnight carriers .
13 And she 'd already been with me for several years before we met , so you felt that perhaps she knew me better than you did , and you hated that . ’
14 And then the guitarist went from Davey to Bernie Watson , who 'd previously been with Screaming Lord Sutch 's band ; then from Bernie to Roger Dean ( yes , the one who does all that artwork on Yes albums ) and from Roger Dean to Eric , and then Eric to Greeny and then to Mick Taylor … ’
15 Bet it 's all cos Nick is n't down there or something , no you 've just been with Nick .
16 Now some of you , if you 've only been with the company a few months or whatever it was , may not have noticed too much of a change , er , but I 've noticed a bit of a ch , I 've noticed a tremendous change in two and half months , two and a half years , and there 's some people in the room who must have noticed tremendous changes .
17 It would be the first time she had ever been with John to a place that was part of her own particular world , unless one counted the Ash Wednesday lunchtime service at her uncle 's church .
18 Both were initiated by Billy , a 16-year-old with a recently acquired impairment who had only been with the group for a year .
19 I went out and found in the court two corpses interlocked ; they were the bodies of the two young men who had before been with me in the room ...
20 In her mind 's eye Lisa could see those hostile dark eyebrows lifting magisterially as he assured her , ‘ But the most important appointment you have today is with me .
21 She 's only been with them three months , remember , and Daniel has n't been to see her since .
22 Actually , she 's only been with us for eleven months .
23 She 's only been with me a week , and I think that a handicapped child 's need is greater than mine . ’
24 She 's only been with me six weeks .
25 There is somebody in that company , who 's probably been with it for nine months , who knows it backwards and who 's capable of playing the role .
26 ‘ Any warring we do here is with the Ministry of Agriculture . ’
27 He has probably been with his company for 13 years and in his present job for four .
28 Landscape painting is flourishing in Scotland today , artists resident , their subject matter possibly more valued than it has ever been with so much ‘ green ’ and wilderness awareness .
29 ‘ He 'd tell me I was the nicest woman he 'd ever been with .
30 Easily the oldest woman he 'd ever been with .
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