Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You trust me to drive without keeping a constant watch ? ’
2 And that seems to me to go against having a strategic policy but what we 're talking about is the interface at a local level between development and and protecting the countryside and that 's quite rightly where the decisions should be made .
3 GREG HARLOW won the Robert Hutchinson Opticians Masters bowls title last night emerging from a field which had included 13 internationals from England , Scotland , Wales and Jersey none of whom succeeded in reaching the final .
4 DHAs will be freed from the responsibility for operational management to enable them to concentrate on achieving the optimum improvement in the health of the population they serve .
5 The TECs ' chairmen are already warning that budget cuts are forcing them to concentrate on alleviating the worst excesses of the training shortage , rather than on instigating innovative schemes .
6 I do n't know whether there is a charge for this ; if there is , please would you let me know before sending the report as all expenditure has to be authorised by a meeting of the Parish Council .
7 It was by chance and with the support of a visiting teacher of drawing who also happened to be a lecturer at Goldsmiths College that I succeeded in getting a place at art school , the first and last totally blind student to have ever done so in Britain .
8 Independently of a great number of new Birds I succeeded in procuring the nests and eggs of at least two thirds of the species inhabiting that interesting region .
9 The weather being too boisterous to admit of a boat being lowered , I endeavoured to capture the bird with a hook and line , and the ordinary sea-hooks being too large for the purpose , I was in the act of selecting a hook from my stock of salmon-flies , when a sudden gust of wind blew my hooks , and a piece of parchment ten inches long by six inches wide on which they were lying , overboard into the sea , and I was obliged to give up the attempt for that day ; on the next I succeeded in capturing the bird with a hook baited with fat , and the reader may judge of my surprise when on opening the stomach I there found the piece of parchment , so completely uninjured that it was dried and again restored to its original use. ,
10 I refrain from naming the books in case you have yet to read them .
11 Sailing mostly single-handed , and being like the rest of twentieth-century man a prisoner of time , I cheated by having an outboard engine to keep me going when the elements did n't help .
12 I mean with fitting the
13 What I mean by calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is the same as my reason for calling it ‘ a sensation of white ’ .
14 What I mean by calling a sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ is its mere resemblance to other sensations called by the same name .
15 So the man needed a way of showing how wealthy he was , and he did that by having a large house , by having lots of servants , and also by dressing his wife , I mean by having a wife who did n't have to work , who could stay at home , and wore clothes to show this , so you get the beginning of incredibly impractical clothes which showed that the woman obviously did n't do any work , because it was completely impossible to do any .
16 No , I think you just wash your hands , that 's it , cos we 've done long enough and I mean from say the Sunday thing , I mean we 've never ever thought of the Sunday making thing , being a profit making thing have we ?
17 This torture would be carried out every week until someone admitted to killing the boar .
18 NORMALLY I insist on using the names of people who contact me for help , but in this case I am making an exception .
19 But if I insist on forcing the spontaneous towards an end which I already deem rational , I remain imprisoned within a circle of old concepts , reason goes on doing the same kind of sums , there can be no novelty except the discovery of unnoticed implications of the familiar .
20 I insist upon conquering the wills of children betimes ; because this is the only foundation for a religious education … religion is nothing else but the doing the will of God , and not our own …
21 I apoligise for putting a long list of questions to the Minister , but I gave him advance notice and I hope that he will answer most of them .
22 But as I say as paying the er r I , I 've seen them when I 'm going round the site er I got an option from the firm , I 'd be allowed time off my work , my actual work on the , on the , on the site , to go round and collect their unions dues .
23 When the men were out working in the field , I was left in the yard erm I helped with feeding the milking the cows , feeding the calves and the pigs .
24 I concentrated on zipping the flies of my trousers , head down , nothing to do with me .
25 It was a bit difficult as I could n't feel what I was doing , but I concentrated on pushing the top of my uterus down through my bottom .
26 I concentrated on rolling a very juicy joint .
27 But it is as a recorder of the game 's idiosyncrasies that he has carved his distinctive niche : ‘ I delight in recording the oddities and unusual happenings in which the game abounds , ’ he says .
28 I decided that things would work better if I upgraded by adding a 1 Meg expanded memory board to give 2 Meg of RAM .
29 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
30 I want fe see a place pon Earth called Kurdistan
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