Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] think any " in BNC.

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1 I do not think any publisher has given any journalist that chance before in the United Kingdom . ’
2 I do not think any of today 's major religions have this as their central theme , although it may be found in religions of the past , and in various modern cults and sects .
3 I am perfectly certain , indeed I do not think any one can doubt this , that our Party on the old lines will never have any future again in this country . "
4 But I do not think any traveller has ever been in a worse situation than I was then .
5 I do not think any of us be the same , ’ said Heinrich , frowning .
6 Everybody talked about the good of golf but I do n't think any of the 24 players were satisfied with the outcome . ’
7 I do n't think any other caddie in the history of the British Open has worked harder than I did that week .
8 I do n't think any woman , unless an old maid , hankers after emancipation of that sort , which seems to mean that , mounted on her bike , a girl can ride away anywhere and do anything all alone , without either male friend or chaperone , that she can guide and protect herself and be as free and easy as the wind …
9 He was gone for about half an hour and I do n't think any of us even suspected that there was something amiss .
10 ‘ Bob and I told her we would help her all we could , I do n't think any of us realised what was in store , though ! ’
11 ‘ But I do n't think any musician has a good grasp of how other people see them .
12 I do n't think any of the parties actually think about disabled people . ’
13 I do n't think any single factor led to my illness .
14 I do n't think any of our batsmen are afraid of him . ’
15 I do n't think any of us knew how good he was a t the time , or know yet how much we 'll miss him now . ’
16 And I do n't think any of us really picked up much from that .
17 I do n't think any of them will make the list of the ten best-dressed men . ’
18 I do n't think any company that is simply amused by its competition is going to do very well .
19 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
20 I do n't think any of the five of us could ever remember Laura being cross — not that she had need to be , we were good and reasonable children , always having been treated reasonably , but she had her moments of trial .
21 Er I think we should also assume that the regional er budgetholders will not make a contribution to any costs we might incur cos I do n't think any budget they 'll have will be intended to cater for er you know , paying people 's wages for them getting unpaid time off .
22 Perhaps it 's best if I hand over now to Nick to run through the proposals there are some amendments to the one that you had as appendix one erm I do n't think any of them are too substantial .
23 After a pause , which is , of course , shredded by the cries and protests of birds and insects , he says , ‘ I do n't think any of us does . ’
24 Can I just comment on the lady saying a minor crime , I do n't think any crime is minor when it happens to you
25 ‘ For I do n't think any clinician has ever had the privilege of witnessing such a complex example of hysteria .
26 I do n't think any dog would like to hunt with me , ’ the boy said .
27 I do n't think any more , the wall is between us , I think , the wall keeps us apart .
28 If they had any ideas about bursting into tune they had to abandon them temporarily because I do n't think any of them had breath to blow .
29 ‘ But I do n't think any of my companies are going to collapse simply because I 'm not around for a short time .
30 Er and I do n't think any other most of them started and they 're still here some of them .
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