Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] say is " in BNC.

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1 THOMPSON : ‘ All I 've just said is that it was not a good enough explanation of what I got and I do n't think anybody has been told , not only to the media out there , myself who is the most important one .
2 So with the particular diary system , I mean this , what I 've just said is about the whole course , but the particular diary , I would say get to grips with the diary first , and then you know , once you 're , you 're on , on , on tap with that , then get involved with the erm , project sheets and the project management forms .
3 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
4 Isle of and they sh what she went on to say is erm I hope to redress this in the shortly in other words she 's shortly going to but I must say I like the expression long fingering you know bloody idle you know .
5 While we 're on this question , one of the few things that er Theresa did n't say , although perhaps she might have said it when I was n't , I do n't think she did but one of the few things she did n't say is why Freud disapproved of the typical kind of dream book you find in any book shop .
6 And I think that 's a very good point , because you 're actually i the what you 've actually said is , You 're entitled to training to enable you to do you job competently .
7 Th the crime problem , as we 've already said is n't too , too great here but er nevertheless it 's important that we , we er keep our eyes open and try and keep crime out because some of these people that erm are living in the bigger cities that are criminals are now starting to discover that it 's easier to come out to places like Farnsfield and commit the crime , because we , we 're not experienced at it .
8 I think the ah just to remind you what we have always said is that that would improve our gross margin situation would be a change in in house manufacturing goods and whilst it 's a bit early to tell we are actually saying to you that the sales post Boxing Day have been in addition
9 What they do not say is that on this ‘ best ’ measure , police performance has in fact improved marginally , not declined ( from 7.9 in 1972 to 9.6 in 1986 . )
10 Those of you who are involved in deciding whether to apply for a place in further or higher education will already know a good deal about how to read prospectuses without believing everything they say : what they do not say is just as important .
11 We should read the catalogue descriptions with circumspection — what they do not say is invariably more important than what they do — and we need to be more guarded when reading articles by newspaper reporters whose effusions are often more flamboyant than they should be .
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