Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] be for " in BNC.

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1 The figures that I read out are for the first year .
3 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
4 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
5 " I have n't been for some time .
6 Yes dear I went to erm , er the er holiday camp in October to erm , er with the Red Cross and I went with the , Charlie took me and I went in a car with a friend of mine we went to the Red Cross holiday in Patefield , but it poured of rain every day every day it poured of rain did n't October it was terrible , ever so cold , but we were well looked after you know and I enjoyed it and we had the wheelchairs to go around in on for the dancing , it was really great I thoroughly enjoyed it , I have n't been for two years I had n't , but I went like in October , cos you 're only allowed really every two years to go , that 's all you 're allowed really , but I thoroughly enjoyed it you know , it was nice
7 I used to be , but I have n't been for a long while I used to we ca n't say that I was there last year but
8 I was just gon na say , some sometimes , I have n't been for a bit mind you , oh , well the last time I went , sometimes I go to Wales to Blaenau Ffestiniog or to congregation
9 Cos I have n't been for two years since I 've been to that one !
10 You 're lucky , I have n't been for three days .
11 I have n't been for three years .
12 cos I have n't been for about a month , three weeks .
13 The accident costs which mounted up were for minor , frequent mishaps such as bacterial contamination of equipment used in the creamery which were all identified and contained , and damage caused to vehicles in the transport company from manoeuvring in confined spaces .
14 Her taste , which had never been for understatement , influenced his , which had always been a little austere .
15 She has n't been for a long time .
16 It was her idea to come here each summer , but she has n't been for three years now .
17 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
18 She opened her eyes and was aware of being in her mother 's bed , where she had not been for over ten years .
19 But she brought them because it salved her conscience to bring something , and she had not been for two weeks now .
20 She had no intention of putting herself deeper into Luke 's bad books ; all she wanted now was for her involvement with Woodline Design to proceed peacefully to its end .
21 Kathy made two cups of tea and said firmly , ‘ You are n't yourself , Clare , and you have n't been for months . ’
22 But the lads have been tremendous , and there 's a buzz around the club now all we want now is for them to show the same attitude tonight . ’
23 She said no she said we have n't been for ages .
24 But we have n't been for months .
25 That 'll be nice cos we have n't been for a bit have we ?
26 what your look , same with your letter forage , I think mostly we were taught letter formation , which we have n't been for a few years now
27 With images of picket-line strife , the broadcast warned : ‘ The last thing we need now is for Labour to come in and wreck Britain 's recovery . ’
28 ‘ All we need now is for you to sign them , Monks .
29 But he does all this at the cost of suspending a due sense of the tendency there has also been for poets to see further than their noses , and to speak out , and to go to the wall for it .
30 There was no one in the staff sitting room , but then , there had n't been for years .
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