Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
2 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
3 Well , Kim Barnes joined them to see how it 's done .
4 It grieved me to see how they had stripped the great Rhododendron and the lesser Kalmias . ’
5 ‘ First let me explain why I have to go to Athens .
6 Let me know when you 've made your arrangements . ’
7 ‘ Let me know when you 've finished arguing about me , and I 'll come back . ’
8 I asked why you had to be going . ’
9 Erm you 've put me on the spot I do n't I do n't I 've really I 've really got no preference on them .
10 But I mean otherwise it 's got all the , all the good points in there , it 's a pity that councils do n't have these meaningful names
11 But I mean I I expect , I mean even we had some left over e eventually you could sell them to our own members because they 'd all want to use it
12 I mean well you 've , you 've looked at what you think acce what the , the velocity is , which is the gradient on the distance time graph .
13 I mean presumably he 's got a lot of money I mean
14 I mean today I 've I paid all this cash .
15 When you , when you look and you see how people survived and of course they delivered the that you , I mean like we had dripping and bread .
16 Yes I mean in a sense that just sort of shows that a lot of people would agree with Lakehoff in the sense that they think that women use a lot of tag questions and have that speech style , erm I mean like we 've been able to see , and what we can say is that men and women 's language is different er and it 's even possible to say in what way it 's different , but the difficulty becomes when we actually want to say why those differences are .
17 I mean like we 've had er woman
18 I know , but I mean like I 've got a lot of bollocks I 've some bollocks on it about erm er and shit like that .
19 Yeah , that was like me , I mean like I 'd , I was n't bad like , cos all the time I was just wearing like polo necks or like shirts with high collars and stuff cos it was n't actually on my neck it was just like on my , this one .
20 I mean that 's that 's one of the things I want ed to talk about was the relevance of archaeology to that sort of work I mean certainly I 've done surveying you know
21 I mean certainly I have to say I think most journalists would n't even have noticed that
22 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
23 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
24 Erm I mean obviously you 've got people up in the flats who at times , hit absolute desperate rock-bottom situations .
25 Well c certainly I mean obviously it has an impact on on individuals who feel
26 You know so I mean so I 've never had a , it 's been a bad experience for me , not a good one .
27 Rec , erm the lady behind was stating that recent a , I mean recently I had about , er went through a bereavement , lost
28 Oh yes I mean there I 've I 've I would n't be without my er filter and my er
29 afford a holiday now , I mean now they 've taken on a mortgage
30 Yea , drinking 's always got me into trouble in the past , I mean now I 've thought about it , I 've thought what a stupid idiot I 'd be , so you know if it was n't for the course , then I probably would have gone and done it again , you know , without a second thought .
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