Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [conj] [vb -s] on " in BNC.

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1 Everyone laughs and bangs on the table .
2 I guess that depends on what you 're offering , ’ he said .
3 Basses like this Hohner offer greater versatility , which may or may not always be a good thing — I suppose that depends on how you view your playing style .
4 A possible taxonomy of deictic elements and terms follows , which modifies and builds on previous attempts by linguists such as Levinson ( 1983 ) .
5 This alternative model moves away from the conventional idea of a child with learning difficulties to one which recognises and builds on the child 's learning achievements .
6 Despite their manifest differences , all five views that I have just sketched out are united in that none of them hangs or falls on the notion of critical abilities .
7 It 's pretty good knowing someone who lives and works on a big Highland estate if you want to sort out your attitude to the big debate on stalking and access .
8 Harris , who lives and works on a farm , pleaded guilty to speeding at 62 mph in a 30 mph zone .
9 How do you suppose that reflects on me ? ’
10 Otherwise you see that helps on my pension today .
11 Daughters are losing because their parents , perhaps especially their mothers , are investing preferentially in their sons , and we know that happens on a quite vast and astonishing scale in , in societies .
12 For example , if we seek a document on the economic history of Germany and we know that works on history are arranged first by country , then by social process and then by period , it will be easier for us to find this document than if the subdivision was less systematic .
13 The cat er likes it there , it goes and sits on the top of it .
14 ( He goes and sits on the floor to one side . )
15 It pitches and bobbles on some roads , and bounces over the potholes driven fast .
16 It stands or falls on this one event .
17 It stands or falls on the quality of its detail , ’ says Winston .
18 THE time has come round in the European Commission 's calendar ( see page 5 ) when another set of committee meetings will set out to define yet another ‘ framework ’ programme , the commission 's name for the programmes of largely applied research which it plans and administers on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) .
19 I stand listening for a moment — crying could ruin everything — but there 's only the rhythmic suck-suck , suck-suck , suck-suck as it breathes and sucks on the medicine .
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