Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 East Germany had agreed to give them papers allowing them to go to the country of their choice , and they were expected to leave Poland ‘ in the very near future ’ .
2 ‘ Team Toyota Europe want them to go to the Safari and they ca n't put off a decision much longer .
3 You can compel them to go to the polling station and even to put an official election slip into the ballot box but that slip could be blank or spoiled , so what would be achieved ?
4 Night waking Some professionals suggest that parents should wake their children at certain times during the night to get them to go to the lavatory .
5 He threw a bottleful of his pills into the kitchen sink and tried to get them to go down the drain with the handle of a dishmop .
6 You 'd think it would be totally alien for them to go in the water like that .
7 Rose , laughing , took the gloves away as he pretended to need them to wear about the house .
8 Corbett thought it was mere drunken bravado when one of them lunged across the table and uproar ensued as food , cups and flagons of wine and ale were sent sprawling .
9 More to the point , at that age , Auntie tells me , I saw no distinction between the two Fathers , both of whom lived in the sky .
10 In a very real sense , of course , the biographies of the Muftis in the following chapters illustrate the development of the hierarchy , but it seems not without point to concentrate attention on this particular aspect by placing side by side the biographies of two scholars , one of whom lived in the period before the hierarchy had become developed to any very great degree — before , perhaps , it is even possible to speak of a hierarchy-he other in a period when the development was fairly well advanced , though not complete .
11 There were three of them seated in the wardroom , Talbot , Van Gelder and Grierson .
12 But the motive for praying for the saints is to equip them to minister in the world .
13 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
14 The three of them rode to the bank of the river , dismounted , then slipped quickly through the underbrush .
15 Inside , maids in black took coats for tickets , and told everyone to go through the lounge as Mrs Coley was receiving in the pool area .
16 Micro Focus plc this week is supposed to announce a new client/server OLTP Transaction System that will let customers emulate CICS and help them migrate from the mainframe to a client/server environment .
17 But , who let them loose in the launderette
18 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
19 I , I er , you would not expect me to continue with the euphoria which you were trying to create earlier , and er , I have to say that I suppose that you would n't er , be proposing any different budget to this would you , in the circumstances that you 've got .
20 They were both trying to persuade me to continue with the radiotherapy and drugs . ’
21 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
22 Everyone argued about the jury .
23 I know nothing about radio — but I do n't need to , I realize , because , even while I watch , the waves are softly withdrawing from the wavebands , as from a beach at low tide on a calm summer 's afternoon , leaving me gazing through the darkness of my son 's bedroom at three shirts , two of them size 35 long , one of them size 32 medium .
24 But some , such as the Portuguese man-of-war ( Physalia ) and the velella , have sacs full of gas , which enable them to float on the surface , trailing their poisonous tentacles to catch fish that come to browse in the surface water .
25 In a pond the temperature variations which occur from day to night will affect the buoyancy of the fish 's swimbladders , causing them to float to the water surface or sink to the bottom .
26 This caused them to sink into the ground until the crossbar was only two inches above the grass .
27 The slight pallor beneath his tan and the white bandage high on his left arm did nothing to detract from the air of menace about him .
28 As he wrote years later in his long unpublished memoirs , ‘ hazard or Providence made me knock on the door of the Hôtel Terminus of the Gare du Nord . ’
29 So a Court would consist of three Magistrates , one of whom sits in the centre and acts as Chairman
30 But not everyone agrees about the quality of epoflex .
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