Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er I do n't I think as it goes on y you do start and get that anger that anger so bad , but erm But I 'll leave you to get on Doctor .
2 It clunks into position and I sit on it to take off my shoes .
3 When I got in it looked like a tortoise .
4 But people do live there , though when I moved in it became clear that a third of the flats were empty .
5 I feel as if I want to it hurts and I feel as if I want to move it .
6 I thought I 'll wait to , I sort of really , like the bathroom I want to it 's got the wallpaper starting to peel off .
7 ‘ What I want our music to achieve for someone listening to it has become more ambiguous .
8 Having a new ‘ toy ’ naturally I played with it to see what it would do .
9 At least , the way I look at it trying to be ever the optimist , is that this is the least worst option .
10 I paid for it did n't I , a pound in a draw .
11 ‘ It ca n't hurt the Oak now if I stand on it to get in , can it ?
12 The closest I will ever come to staying there is when I pass through it to reach the stop for the buses into town .
13 So we do have a problem to address but the I I like Mr would certainly want some explanation from the director of social services if erm the report that we have before us at the planning sub-committee is incorrect because I deal with it said it it be noted that the capacity now exists to arrange for the transfer of residents from four homes to other res residential units as part of the rationalisation programme .
14 I rely on it to supplement the Curbash Compensation Fund . ’
15 I looked through it to see why the music had stopped .
16 If I jump with surprise when a dog suddenly barks at me , my behaviour is no less expressive than if I shout at it to shut up .
17 And the other thing — now I think about it do n't call Clare Hall in Matson .
18 I did as it happens . ’
19 What should I put in it to keep it going between broods ?
20 It ran across my chest , and over my shoulder , and I leaned into it to gain control .
21 erm I voted for it to go out to consultation , but I have n't yet voted that it will be a site , and I will take the representations of everybody into consideration before I make up my mind .
22 I complained before it went out of warranty and again after it had gone out of warranty and it was sort of very dodgy and I had
23 I ran at it to break it down .
24 The electric kettle broke down and will not work unless somebody stands beside it holding in the knob .
25 And in that case the epistemological asymmetry which depends on it falls to the ground .
26 My wrists were tied behind my back , an iron brace fixed around my neck and the long chain which hung from it secured round my ankles .
27 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
28 Well it 's just so incredible that this oil has never been I mean nobody focused on it did they ?
29 The cause was mainly the cable 's specific gravity , which resulted in it sinking too fast , overstretching and over-stressing the remainder .
30 Second , because a river 's nature is one of changeless change , forever on the move , the creatures which live in it have evolved strategies for surviving sudden floods and disruptions and alterations of the river 's course .
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