Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 What on earth does Leeds need this guy for , I mean they already got Frank S. who I rate a much better player ?
2 Erm , she started really by , well th well there is two of them involved at the time , but they started by reading a book on the subject and really just talking to me about it certainly , because I mean they really did n't understand , you know because food to them is just food , you know it was just some meal they had to eat because they were hungry and they could n't understand why I had got this whole thing completely distorted .
3 I mean the Scottish boys I mean they always wanted the big end of the stick you see ?
4 They 're very pleased at that because I mean they obviously found it to be useful , erm we proved it to be useful and it 's nice to see them all taking on this responsibility now , now and doing it , because that 's all progress .
5 I mean they only had their door there and letting in draughts and them running in and out you see we put that there look .
6 I mean they only threw him out because they just did n't , have the , the , the staff , I mean I sat in there day after day and I felt bloody sorry , they were ringing , ninety percent of their day taken by ringing , begging for staff
7 I think that , I mean they still got the different , if you 're playing like a shot
8 I was coming to do all again sort of thing , you know , I mean they suddenly announced who
9 Well , I mean we just said well that 's , you know , an expensive place for a holiday by the sound of it , but erm we had n't got into any details .
10 You know , I mean we just got them cheap erm lampshades from now on er cos it 's not worth it cos th the expensive ones are just getting damaged all the time .
11 I because we did n't have any part of this being children I mean we just knew that he
12 I mean we never did any French trips .
13 I mean we hardly went into another shop and yet , you see , we have a young chappie like yourself who comes to the Guild once every year and shows us slides of old Walsall , Walsall Wood , Aldridge , the local area , and he said I 'm not very good Ruth at talking but he he 'd got the slides you know , and it , it used to end up with me doing the commentary on Walsall Wood , because you stand on the of Walsall Wood , which is there now , and your Co-op was right on the corner which is why I call it the corner store and you see people congregated there , people met there and when I 'd been accused of the , we 'd been at the college or at other conferences and why ca n't we get Guild members today , well that was the breeding ground your shop , you see .
14 The Father came out this morning to say that the hall could , one of the first things Father told him was that the hall could n't be insured , I mean it even staggered erm Doris , cos she 's not heard of that before , impressed , I do n't know what impressed is , but
15 Th I mean , I 've never even heard of the term clitoris , and a friend of mine thought her clitoris was actually her epiglottis , I mean it just got
16 I mean it just appalled me I think that we are all of us , if you like to a degree , tarred with the same brush are n't we ?
17 And we could n't You could n't just swim on the surface because if you let any part of your body above the water for any length of time , I mean it just burnt .
18 I mean it only took me two hours two and , two two and a half hours er
19 Well Tony won it but I mean it still went down a treat .
20 This is just well I mean it maybe connected with that but we 're doing it because they want to increase the car parks .
21 it comes to a point sometimes , I mean I even noticed then like when they 're wearing all your clothes right ?
22 Only because so many people complain , I mean I just had to do something .
23 It does please me but the thing sometimes is , you do n't get results , I mean I just said to him at half time ‘ come on we 've got to be a bit stronger , ’ you know I thought we were playing quite well , but I thought we were letting them dominate us a little bit .
24 I mean I just noticed it I read , sorry Karen walked into the studio totally uninvited through a red light .
25 you know , I , I could n't bring all the fish I mean I just put some on the table I could n't bring all the champion of champions
26 Presum I mean I just lost four
27 We just , I mean I just started I 'd I was ironing or something and I turned it over and it so I
28 When I saw them , I mean I vaguely saw them .
29 I mean I always thought if you were parked too close to it , they take your number and next thing you know , you get a , a , a summons come through the post .
30 I mean I always thought , I always thought The Tramway The Yorkshire , and were always gon na do quite well out the Sugar House
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