Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I move against them do not expect me to treat you differently from the way I treat them .
2 It is then up to me to implement it successfully by controlling my behaviour whilst keeping an eye on progress towards the indicators of success .
3 And he stopped me and said : ‘ Son , I saw ye practising , and I 've always found with a player of your capabilities it is best to tell them to hit it straight at the pin ! ’
4 Then , with distant civility , ‘ Perhaps you 'll allow me to see you safely to your hotel ? ’
5 He wrote round to fifteen builders on 22nd March and , with what today would be regarded as incredible naïveté , asked them to meet him together at the Office of Works on 24th March .
6 ‘ It was very competitive with everyone stabbing everyone else in the back as they tried to become stars .
7 No one to stop them keeping her here for as long as they wanted .
8 we 'll have to let them catch you right at the right , where the music tells you too , dum , oh
9 So let me confine myself simply to inviting erm , Penny , to propose the resolution .
10 ( Do I make it sound like a paradise , a utopia , a socialist state such as would delight Shelley 's and your father 's hearts ?
11 I asked her once about the packet .
12 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
13 If I change it once in one place only then automatically every program on the network is using the new version of the business rule .
14 I hope that I shall not embarrass the Minister if I commend him again for his imaginative efforts and the time that he has spent abroad trying to develop inward investment .
15 I made one yesterday in a meat tin and so Lynn had a lump and I got a lump and you here .
16 She thought , Now he 'll say what he was going to say last night , except that I made it hard for him , I was so unloving , so unresponsive .
17 I think I made it once for my parents-in-law .
18 , we er , we , we did some , I mean that was a proper weekend set aside for but I mean they really about practical jokes being played and stuff .
19 You counted two instead of one then , I mean one instead of two
20 I wondered what was going on really , because I mean it just at least I can take them
21 I mean I even with Lee
22 I mean I normally in the past I 've always gone for experienced keepers because you know I mean they they do n't come to their prime until , I do n't think goalkeepers over twenty six twenty seven onwards .
23 you know , I think I mean , I mean he even to going back to college doing a couple of A levels would n't alter his benefit .
24 Then , slowly , she fell forward and I laid her gently on the ground .
25 At my parents house , erm , in that , we 've had an extension in there , so the garden 's not there any more , but erm , I used , the light used to come in from the windows , so of at , at the angle to the bath , so I could n't lift my leg up , so I rub it gently like this , and I 'd watch the told me where I missed bits and
26 So if I bring it again on Tuesday
27 I lay it neatly over a Sarson 's Malt Vinegar box .
28 Some years later , Hellen and I met her again in Hong Kong , where the impresario , Harry Odell , had brought her for a concert .
29 I met her once on one of my off-duty bookshop prowls , took pity on her and gave her lunch .
30 I met him infrequently on the subway journey to and from work .
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