Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 They had received the reports in the Place of Healing , where the body lay in the courtyard , protected from the flies and the heat by wet wrappings , waiting for someone to claim it and give permission for an examination to begin , before it was taken to the embalmers .
2 Exasperated , I told her that given his behaviour , it was far more likely that her son would bite my dog !
3 When he finished , he kicked at the door , I opened it and gave him something to eat .
4 , . I had a very serious patient er , the other day , and I treated him and gave him six months to live , but at the end of six months , he did n't pay his account , so I gave him another six months . , .
5 Gandhi describes religions as human constructs or expressions of that which underlies them and gives them reality .
6 You want something that gives heat
7 You 'd both better come back to the farmhouse , and Mrs. Olinton will help you to clean yourselves and give you some tea .
8 She unwound it and gave it to him .
9 He remained in the royal household under Richard III , who knighted him and gave him further land in Northamptonshire and London in 1484 .
10 Galatians 2.20 must be among the most marvellous words of the Bible : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
11 May we all say with St Paul in Galatians 2.20 : ‘ I have been crucified with Christ ; it is no longer I who live , but Christ who lives in me ; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . ’
12 Trust Christ alone and testify like Paul ‘ the son of God who loved ME and gave himself for ME . ’
13 She contained it and gave no sign , for she was enlarged , as the night is by the moon .
14 Please could you tell me if giving my tank of Goldfish and Black Moors tonic salt and King British W.S.3 , will cure White Spot ?
15 When we got there one o one of the other boys was was already there with him and he was covered from about his waist down with coal and er we uncovered him and gave him as comfortable as we could get him until we got the stretchers and everything mobilize him and get him out .
16 ‘ I mean , we took her in when she came back from London with her tail between her legs , and we fed her and gave her a roof over her head , but she was forever dolling herself up and going out .
17 We can quote one as saying ‘ We see it as giving a distinctive edge to our marketing image amongst a predominantly business clientele . ’
18 One of them hailed me and gave me a fiver to take them to a private clinic in Harley Street .
19 ‘ We are working very heavily with them to convert them and give them the business skills they may not have acquired to date , ’ says Mr Smaje .
20 mystery and complexity — they interest us and give us the promise that we can delve to find out more about them
21 With regard to the second recommendation , the FAA merely said that it might not be feasible and , in the event , they did nothing but give the matter consideration !
22 Then they frisk you and give you a dressing-gown and tell you to go into a cubicle and strip off and wait .
23 Sometimes our neighbours want the things we have , or have the things we want , so we both fight until they take ours or give us theirs .
24 He comes out , he shakes himself and gives a growl .
25 He opened his and gave us a couple of bob .
26 He takes somebody and gives them the work on the side .
27 What he did was relatively harmless , yet somewhere deep down it damaged me and gave me a streak of recklessness that is still having consequences even today .
28 Erm and then what he did was , he they went through it together and he showed her what to do and she followed him and and as she did things right he praised her and gave her feedback and said she 'd done it correctly and then then when there were things did n't understand she questioned him and then he clarified her .
29 Religion is not equatable with particular religions : it transcends Hinduism , Christianity , Islam , and all other religions , yet it harmonizes them and gives them reality .
30 You now know , to some degree , what moves you and gives you pleasure .
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