Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 its not how they came into the world of real names to stick with prat names like Beatrice and , I mean I know its old royal and that and I mean fancy going to school in that bloody Henry and William , I mean William 's not too bad
2 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
3 Yeah but I get really pissed off as well cos I well I , I wo n't like when I 'm with other people like and I talk about other pe like when I talk about Jenny and then I feel sort of like really two faced when I like start talking to Jenny and stuff .
4 I 'll be every morning I get shaved going to work in the morning .
5 I thought this is , I thought fancy going to work on a nice day like
6 ENOCH POWELL : I do enjoy listening to other people talk .
7 I do enjoy listening to guest speakers and maybe special ‘ thank you ’ prizes for those who have contributed to the University in special ways would be an idea , but keep the degrees for the deserved students please ? ? ? ?
8 I did consider writing to the Foundation for sponsorship , but feel that the Company is more appropriate ) .
9 I I did enjoy going to the city centre , but so far er in the few months I 've been in , I 've enjoyed it tremendously yes .
10 I put up with all their talk , and I did what I had to do according to the state in which the Lord had placed me .
11 That is indeed what I had intended suggesting to you , and it disposes of the immediate problem . ’
12 He had expressed so often the depth of his love and had made it clear to me that I had given meaning to his life .
13 I had considered going to California over the winter but I realised it was n't necessary .
14 I had to keep calling to her and whistling and showing her the chick .
15 It is hard to stay awake but I had to keep going to the loo !
16 I 've missed talking to you .
17 At least I 've stopped going to church .
18 I 'll ring her when I 've stopped talking to you , she 'll be so relieved .
19 ‘ I 'll ask Bill right away , when I 've finished talking to you .
20 I 've enjoyed speaking to audiences about my experiences in the game , ’ he said .
21 I 've enjoyed talking to you .
22 As I 've started writing to ya now , I might as well ask you some stuff that I 've been dying to ask for ages .
23 ‘ I used to be very much of a guitar-turned-bass player , ’ he admits , ‘ although this past year I 've started listening to bass players properly .
24 I 've tried speaking to Jean-Paul on the telephone , and it 's hopeless .
25 Heaven knows I 've tried talking to him , but it gets me nowhere .
26 The more people there are around , the less time I have to spend trying to be civil to Piers Morrison ! ’
27 Father and I have missed talking to you .
28 This situation is common in many academic areas , as I have discovered talking to colleagues , and it may be that this state of inflation and over-production is economically unavoidable , that many inferior books have to be published in order to let the good ones appear .
29 I have to keep proving to them that I can . ’
30 I WOULD like to say how much I have enjoyed listening to former Labour leader Neil Kinnock , right , while he has been standing in for Jimmy Young on Radio 2 .
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