Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] out what " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the hijack was a plot hatched between the two presenters to fox listeners , some of whom phoned to find out what was going on .
2 You present a highly intriguing challenge , Miss Shannon Lea — and I intend to find out what lurks beneath that icy-cool exterior . ’
3 I tried to work out what my father would have done in the same circumstances and came to the conclusion that he would have taken what he so often called ‘ a bold step ’ .
4 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
5 I want to find out what happened .
6 I want to find out what they 're up to . ’
7 I want to find out what people are saying , yes I 'll come to you in just a second about internment .
8 wanted this meeting to take place , I want to find out what the design philosophy is , long-term future-wise , and also , I want to get into their detailed design , so to try and establish how they determine the size of sh even simple things like pinion carved diameter , which dictates
9 So I want to I want to work out what 's involved there , I 'll go at something like twenty per cent , so it 'll come out about twenty pound fifty something
10 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
11 She knew me as Matt and I did n't want to alert you to who I was until I 'd found out what was going on .
12 Then I try to work out what was good about it , and maybe try and copy the outfit a bit .
13 When I did find out what he was thinking , I must say I was surprised .
14 I had to figure out what she was saying .
15 I had worked out what I was going to say .
16 I had worked out what I thought was a good routine for him and had his personal stunt man run through the scene for him , ’ said Cannutt .
17 I had to find out what had happened .
18 I had to find out what commissions she had which would have to be cancelled .
19 ‘ Well , ’ said Georgiades , ‘ I 've found out what you wanted . ’
20 Also , I 've figured out what Wilko 's doing with Rocky .
21 You , David and I need to sort out what we need to do to implement it
22 ‘ Look , I need to find out what 's going on . ’
23 This phrase may appear rather vague so I need to spell out what I mean by it .
24 When something like a murder happens , I just feel I have to sort out what really happened .
25 He 's already been denied £4,000 in not facing the Windies , and said from his Melbourne home last night : ‘ The selectors have put me in the position where I have to work out what is right for my family and me . ’
26 So I have to work out what the entire value of these is .
27 I stayed to find out what had happened , took a few steps into the hall , and almost followed her example .
28 I wanted to check out what they say
29 I got myself invited along as I wanted to find out what drove him to travel all the way from Surrey to South Wales nearly every weekend .
30 I wanted to find out what he was working on , ’ she said as the waiter removed the plates and tidied the table for the main course .
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