Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] is look " in BNC.

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1 and what I want to do is to look at it er over that particular period so I can explain everything to you in full because there are benefits to you in terms of tax savings
2 Now what I want to do is look at what was happening at that time and then try and explain using the determinants of demand what the patterns actually were .
3 And then if you want to find out the reason for the tension or how to stop it , what you have to do is look at the interests of those concerned .
4 All you have to do is look down for the B numbers , now
5 All you have to do is look for your own number er if you if you have hopefully you 've kept a record of the assignments where you 've earned bonus and you can claim it as soon as that number is published .
6 What you have to do is look at your T G and close your eyes .
7 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
8 The notion that you have a group of children that you can categorize , say like partially sighted , or maladjusted , or educationally subnormal , and that they should have a special education , is one that 's been increasingly challenged over the years and I think the Warnock Report actually moves considerably away from that notion and says no , we do n't want to separate off a particular group because they appear to have a single erm or even a multiple disability , what we want to do is to look at the needs of each individual child and ask what is it about that particular child that makes the achievement of education objectives more difficult than another child .
9 so we want to do is look at that one and we see that it 's keeping on track and er it 's doing the things that we actually want to do
10 Now what we have done is looked at s these causeway relief arches which pass the water from one side of the to the other at .
11 Erm , what we have to do is to look at , if you like , the way in which A , we can improve what we do erm , and see if we ca n't get more out of the two of you than we do currently , I 'm sure you 'll enjoy what we 're doing .
12 What they have done is to look in detail at the impact of two severe floods which hit the little Araglin river in Co Cork in August 1986 and how it has recovered since .
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