Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was brought up in Albert Street near the Hibs ground , my whole family came from that area , my dad used to sneak into the ground at night to play football on the grass at Easter Road , and I got sent off in my own backyard .
2 Trouble yeah , trouble I got put off for a fortnight , on the dole , then he , I was on the dole for a week and er he cos at that time you had to appear in front of the erm , what they call the Court of Referees at the Labour Exchange , that was their Committee .
3 The bad yellow-eyed woman made me take my toothbrush in case I got carted off to pokey .
4 And I got told off for it .
5 I got told off for calling it Pakistan .
6 I got told off by the ref — I was a bit wild then — and Ian began moaning as though he was crying .
7 If it is , it none the less dates back explicitly to 1961 when he played Littlechap , the Everyman figure who makes it big , in Stop The World — I Want To Get Off at the Queen 's .
8 I want to show off to everyone . ’
9 I 'd have dithered and I 'd have got tired and I 'd gone off of
10 I 'd gone off of it until we opened that one on Sunday when you came over and I 'd finished it by Tuesday , I was getting quite hooked on it
11 I 'd never been there but there would have been a terrible fuss if I 'd taken off to Roundhay Park or Woodhouse Moor or somewhere .
12 You thought I 'd got off with him for fuck 's sake !
13 So here it 's something very like that I finished up with I 've if I 'd started off with that I would have finished up with twice what
14 I sling a few carcasses to prowling cats , and I get told off for it .
15 So it 's unusual and I get told off for giving you a choice but what do you think ?
16 I get told off by my girlfriend because I wake up in the morning and the first thing I say is , ‘ Flippin' heck , have you sent those newsletters off yet ? . ’
17 So I did and it 's very strange I remember toddling off with this little chap and er and Miss said , Who is this then ? or words to that effect .
18 Also , I have found Mr Hauser has a Lear jet which flies him across the world plus a Sikorsky helicopter which I saw taking off from the grounds of Livingstone Manor .
19 I used them , about 14 a day , for a week and I managed to stay off for about a month .
20 I 've thought about it but erm it 's another one of those things I , I guess I keep putting off to the er a little bit later .
21 I think to start off with we 'll just give you something to relive the symptoms
22 I risk drifting off into space .
23 But he was pleased when I did take off at his command .
24 It was a day much like today , hot and sunny , but unlike today there were no tourists about and Dave and I had stripped off to the skin and stepped through the shallows with mud squidging between our toes to the pebbly beach , swimming out into the cool water .
25 I thought of his sweetness in sitting beside me all night , and of the shadows on his face in the morning , and how I had gone off without telling him I loved him .
26 When I left twenty minutes later I felt I had come off with rather the worst of the bargain but another of my father 's aphorisms came to mind : shnorrers no choosers .
27 That IRA active service unit I had to knock off in London back in thirty-six — they used underworld contacts a lot , even to buy their explosives . ’
28 I found to my horror that it was " Engaged " ; I had taken off with " George " in control .
29 I had to start off with a Japanese Top 40 guitar — inch high action !
30 erm and I 've sent off for some loose fitting ones
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