Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] that [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Although I would have kept all the notes and drafts and I could , therefore , reconstruct how a poem is written , it 's my experience that once it 's been written it 's very hard for me to imagine back to the time when it was n't written .
2 I know my sister , and I know Adam , and I 'm clear in my mind that before you came along there were no outward signs that anything was amiss .
3 N well I , I , I had , why I was so positive about it , I had an uncle who had it very badly and as a child I was very aware of his hands , they were quite inhuman looking , they were that shape , and you know everything he did he , he had to that and that 's remained in my mind that when I got it I though I wo n't have the hands like that so I r I w I go , I went to sleep , I still do it , every night , spread my hands , the last thing I think about , spread the hands .
4 With this , well erm I was er after the first two years when I did n't get a referred lead or recommendation cos I , I had this fear in my mind that if I asked for names , they 'd actually not give them and that they would actually then cancel the policy they 'd taken out with me , I actually thought that
5 It crossed my mind that if he had changed his opinions it might be partly because the squalor and expense of the flat — made worse by my bad housekeeping — had begun to get him down .
6 Well , it wo n't be this year for the competition is intense but there 's no doubt in my mind that if he sticks at it young Coates will eventually get to the top .
7 BELVILLE : It is still my opinion that if I had not discovered the parson as I did , you might have gone to a length that would have put your present situation out of both our powers .
8 It also offers superior distortion sounds , which leads me to my conclusion that if it 's just a simple , workable sound processor you 're looking for , with the least financial outlay , then the ME-6 will do the job .
9 Being the recipient of a large number of offers to ‘ Pay Now Die Later ’ I asked my wife that if she ‘ Oh surprise me ’ was her reply .
10 At the same time it is my belief that while we were do doing the footings we can also the concrete to fall in line where we will erm put the main floor in .
11 I suppose I knew what your reaction would be , but thought in my arrogance that if I presented you with a fait accompli , the sale of the land , your money back , you 'd be so overwhelmed with gratitude that you 'd immediately fall into my arms . ’
12 I have given strict orders to my henchmen that if I die in suspicious circumstances , they are to hang my chaplain immediately .
13 It has been my observation that when we do that , far from disappearing , the difficulties actually seem to grow .
14 I wondered uneasily whether he would be able to see from my face that though it might be the truth , it was not the whole truth .
15 It is my view that when you look at all the locational criteria contained in policy H two and as we 've discussed them , you 'll reach the conclusion that there is one corridor that best meets those criterion , is the A sixty four northeast of York , sector six .
16 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
17 Glancing at those muscular knees , ruddy beneath the hem of his pleated tunic , she made up her mind that if he ever attempted to spank her again she would scream blue murder .
18 She made up her mind that if she found herself frequently lying sleepless and agitated , then Memet should , as far as she was concerned , be cast into outer darkness .
19 In order not to disappoint anyone , Celia would explain in her reply that although she was pregnant , she was really looking for an older nanny .
20 Before this interrogation , he had reluctantly agreed to allow his wife to conduct it , being unable to argue against her contention that if he were to perform that duty , his questioning would inevitably be biased in the girl 's favour .
21 Some supporters of her National Opposition Coalition , known as U N O cheered dutifully , others booed her announcement that although she would take over as Minister of Defence , General Ortega was staying on .
22 They told their father that if he did marry her they would wash their hands of them .
23 Like the immortal ‘ Old Bill ’ in Bruce Bairns father 's First World War cartoon of the trenches , the patient British urged their neighbours that if they knew of ‘ a better'ole ’ they should go to it .
24 I do n't think it would be an adequate response from our Institute to say to its members that if they wanted a qualification in tax , they should go and join another body .
25 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
26 Foreign scholars as well as foreign diplomats found to their surprise that where they had been led to expect barbarity , they found civilization and love of learning ; for Giovanni Ferreri , who settled in the abbey of Kinloss , close to the university of Aberdeen , Girolamo Aleandro , teacher of Greek and Hebrew at Paris , and Girolamo Cardano , physician of Milan , Scottish scholars were welcome members of the academic community of Europe .
27 Later ex-Croydon staff found to their cost that if they accepted promotion , they then came under London Transport conditions , which followed closely UndergrounD Group practices .
28 They then said to their Dad that although they missed their Mum very much indeed , they were beginning to see that their Dad needed them around to have people to talk to about their Mum , and so now they were asking Jesus to make sure nothing else awful happened .
29 Years later he wrote to his mistress that while he wove an aesthetic about Kuchuk Hanem he knew that he had vanished completely from her memory .
30 A playwright once responded to someone who asked him about the message of his play that when he wanted to send messages he did so by telegram .
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