Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 is a one in a thousand one in a thousand like my my Gerald that thought about his duties , his responsibilities , his tender fatherly fig .
2 It was what was going on in my mind that had to be kept secret , on pain of interference , on pain of ridicule , on pain of punishment and , inevitably , on pain of self-understanding .
3 But some of the rules , about not having visitors , meant that all my visitors that came from London had to walk round town .
4 There is a ghost in my bones that struggles for wings .
5 He 's one of the initiates , and in my opinion that counts for , and perhaps even excuses , a lot .
6 ‘ I 've got things in my head that came from nowhere , ’ he said , ‘ things that do n't make sense to me .
7 Will the Secretary of State have some regard for companies like Lawtex , a firm in my constituency that went into liquidation , resulting in the loss of 120 jobs ?
8 Well , in my sums that comes to er , something like er , fifty per cent more than it ought to be .
9 It is my spirit that speaks to your spirit !
10 He 's made us really meet real people , you know what I mean , people with handicapped children , and to me I find them more real than some of my friends that live in another world , fantasising about the future , you know , ‘ What 's the kids going to be when they grow up ? ’
11 This would be so particularly if the employees had terms in their contracts that provided for such extra amounts , or if the employees included directors who were entitled to such extra amounts under their service contracts .
12 She wore a tailored two-piece grey suit and delicate shoes , and there was a scarf over her hair that came from Dior , minimum , and she carried the red roses .
13 They put in eighty thousand into their proposals that deal with the planning we have hole on my pouch , well done , but on the other hand you are not prepared to spend twenty five thousand on an important obstacle plan to stop this sort of mess er er arising .
14 Of course everyone knows to which general she belongs , but it is her eyes , her ears and her discernment that have to be relied upon .
15 And do n't give me that ‘ Yes , but it 's their talent that comes across ’ routine , because your idea of coming across must be very different from mine .
16 Her breasts seemed to strain towards him , begging for his touch , and there was a wetness between her thighs that burned like fire .
17 In the end , after much hesitation — all Agnese 's stuff looked so expensive ! — Ronni selected a blue silk jersey dress the colour of her eyes that clung to her in all the right places and looked sensational , and a pair of matching blue sandals that , miraculously , fitted .
18 Turning her , he stared down into her eyes that shone with a hint of tears .
19 That he could do this without awakening the slightest resentment ill the boys was a sign that they recognised that it was their work that mattered to Basil , and in no way his self-importance , which , to a quite remarkable degree he did not have .
20 The fundamental point that you have to grasp is that parents want any transfers between their siblings that will result in a net gain for the , a , sorry , parents want any transfers between their offspring that result in a net gain for reproductive success .
21 I met the French and Moroccan men who changed and broke the deadlock between their countries that stood in the way of Morocco 's independence ; and in Nigeria we know that pioneer freedom fighter of Africa , Azikiwe , whose miraculous change of direction , and reconciliation with his political enemies , averted a Mau Mau uprising in the 1950's .
22 She began to landscape the fantasy garden in her mind and had soon forgotten about the slight ache in her hips that came from having her legs curled to one side , and the uncomfortable weave of the wickerwork pressing into the soft skin on the underside of her forearms .
23 The tentacles the skin — with its patchiness that spoke of increasing age — were clear giveaway .
24 She records triumph and tenderness , loneliness and that impulsive desire for independence , all of which must help motivate the development of her art that continues despite the demands of motherhood .
25 Body-armour is rare among birds but the ground-living cassowary ( opposite ) carries a powerful helmet on its head that acts as a protective shield when the bird pushes through rough undergrowth .
26 She moved to switch out the light , forgetting that it was not her lamp that glowed on the bedside table , but he caught her arm , oh-so-very-gently , this time .
27 Yet as individuals they are believable , not only for themselves but by virtue of their involvement with other people and the opinions of their behaviour that come to us from their shipmates and their superiors .
28 It will tell the states by April 1 1991 about the shifts in their populations that call for changes in state and local constituency boundaries .
29 For one thing , the score was by Rodgers and Hammerstein who had never seen a pantomime in their lives — such things were totally unknown on the other side of the Atlantic — and wrote music and lyrics for the show which fitted very well indeed in their repertoire that began with Oklahoma ! and went on , via such epics as South Pacific and The King And I , all the way to The Sound of Music .
30 It does not seem implausible to suppose , therefore , that it is the loyalism of the DUP rather than the evangelicalism of many of its leaders that accounts for its support , especially in the greater Belfast urban area .
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