Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] of [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Dramatic as imprinting is as a form of learning , it suffered from my point of view from the problem that for a bird to become imprinted requires exposing it to the stimulus , the flashing light or whatever , for a couple of hours ; memory builds up slowly over that time , and so the cellular changes that are going on during the period inevitably intermingle the effects of learning and of visual stimulation with those of memory formation .
2 Ralf , instead of lolling there mouthing insults , fetch my pot of salve from the pantry and — ’
3 Loss of my letter of introduction from Barry the Magus had meant that I had been unable to make the most of a brief , lacklustre meeting in Puerto Maldonaldo with its adviser Didier Lacaze , a slight , diffident Frenchman .
4 ‘ I derive my enjoyment of food from its colour , texture and the combination on the plate when I eat ; so these are the things that I concentrate on when cooking for customers , ’ she explains .
5 Ash and I levered our way through the press of people while I undid my jacket and struggled to extricate my half-bottle of whisky from a side pocket .
6 A subsequent search and investigation of her papers , such as they were , revealed a very large cargo of brandy in the hold , damning correspondence with the ships ' agent in Belgium , and some unconvincing reasons for her change of destination from Sweden to Spain .
7 Because of the way in which it began , Christianity inherited the peculiar Jewish view of time with its hope of redemption from successive oppressors .
8 In the second year , language work , oral and written , is developed further , while for the study of literature students are offered the possibility of selecting their field of study from four different programmes : German Texts from the Middle Ages to the 16th Century ; the ‘ Golden Age ’ of German literature ( 1760–1820 ) ; German Literature and Society 1830–1950 ; Literature , Art and Media in 20th Century Germany .
9 At any time those with less of a base might withdraw their concession of power from those with more of that base , in which case the legitimacy of that power base is lost .
10 He specialises in songs of self-pity and gloom , with stories of betrayal or parting enlivened a little by an autobiographical track like Mobile Shack , with its story of escape from Birmingham thanks to the arrival of New Wave .
11 Where do you think people get their pictures of God from ?
12 The bee gauges its speed of flight from the amount its antennae are bent outwards by the air rushing past .
13 It can be proposed that the ‘ market room ’ ( on the platform ) for newcomers who have not generated completely new demand markets , is provided by their capture of markets from local firms on the platform .
14 During the remainder of the century some one-third of the increase in energy consumption in the LDCs is likely to be accounted for by oil which means a reduction in its proportion of consumption from 55% today to 43% by the year 2000 .
15 Soviet specialists identify the main political force within the region as nationalism and , just as in the 1960s countries were judged by their policy position regarding Cuba , the touchstone now is their degree of independence from the United States .
16 Egyptian non-alignment and its receipt of arms from Czechoslovakia was taken in the West to be dangerously pro-Soviet , and Britain and the United States expressed their disapproval by withdrawing their offer of substantial economic aid .
17 Linguists have not always , however , made this point clear and , indeed , many of them have , often implicitly , taken their models of language from their own experience of written forms .
18 The move followed the decision in September 1989 to affirm Slovenia 's sovereignty and its right of secession from the SFRY [ see pp. 36899-90 ] , and the consequent election in May 1990 of a centre-right coalition campaigning on such a platform [ see p. 37463 ] ; on this occasion , however , no mention was made of secession .
19 In exchange for large quantities of the only acceptable currency , gold , the Chinese armies also provided considerable quantities of their own weapons , presumably surplus to requirements , and were less than meticulous in their recovery of weapons from the Japanese armouries .
20 The Japanese government had indicated a willingness to provide " economic co-operation " to compensate for its colonization of Korea from 1910 to 1945 , but refused to accept any liability for the post-1945 period .
21 Many thanks to Janet Brown and her band of helpers from the Sutton , Epsom , Malden areas of Surrey for providing a lovely tea for us on 3rd April .
22 What about British Steel switching its transport of limestone from Wensleydale from rail to road ?
23 Birmingham 's popularity with meeting planners owes much to its ease of accesses from all parts of the UK and Europe .
24 Rose took her tube of cream from Daphne and began anointing her arms and legs .
25 While stressing that they both take their point of departure from Marx , Lévi-Strauss suggests that for him Marxism implies that
26 And , again in contrast to being a useful , helpful sensible little girl , was her cosy friendship with the changing series of under-housemaids who laughed so readily at her jokes and gave her lumps of sugar from morning tea trays — sometimes it was a peppermint .
27 In a civil trial that began in 1987 , Eileen Roddenberry sued Norway , the company set up by her ex-husband , for her share of profits from the original television show , as well as Star Trek : The Next Generation , Star Trek : Deep Space Nine , and the Star Trek feature films .
28 Over the same period oil demand fell by 25% and its share of consumption from 51% to 44% .
29 The dinner , a rite of the Washington spring , has always had its share of visitors from the west coast ; they tend to be more fun at your table than a deputy assistant secretary in the Veterans ' Administration .
30 The moderate independence party headed by Drollet , lost its three seats , while the FLP , a hardline independence party , increased its share of seats from two to four .
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