Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] could [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So you see , though I would n't dream of advising you how to arrange a bouquet , there are plenty of other areas where my experience could be of help . ’
2 My job could be at stake if I make an error of judgment . ’
3 A close friend , who said he was too frightened to reveal his name , has told the drinks trade newspaper , the Morning Advertiser : ‘ My life could be in danger if I say too much but I have my own idea what the murder is all about .
4 But if he was a useful companion for Hayward , there were also ways in which Hayward could be of benefit to him .
5 Before the justices on that occasion the local authority had proposed that further attempts be made to improve the ability of the mother to care adequately for the children so that their future could be with her .
6 At one fête alone last year they raised £179 but this year all her work could be in vain .
7 Researchers believe its findings could be of international importance .
8 It seems highly unlikely that an out-of-work , blind architect who believed the site of King Arthur 's Round Table lay in his garden and the Russian Revolution was plotted in his kitchen could be on anyone 's hit list .
9 Hell , his consciousness could be in every drop of rain , or all the bullets in the City .
10 Goram , like the rest of the Ibrox playing staff , understands that his club could be on the verge of something exceptional in their history , and wants to be able to remember everything .
11 THE HOME OFFICE is pressing ahead with the deportation of a Kurdish refugee , in spite of protests from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees that his life could be in danger if he returns to Turkey .
12 He is often very callous to Lennie and is constantly reminding him what his life could be like without Lennie .
13 Each time a worker ploughed a field his status and even his self-respect could be at stake .
14 He was as capricious and manipulative as his mother could be on her bad days and as violent and arbitrary as his father .
15 And in so doing a range of choices about what life could be at work — vision , if you will — have to be denied .
16 What Aragon could be like without water appears in the Monegros : a complete desert in a dry year , it could , with winter rains , give the heaviest yields in Spain .
17 Your neck could be on the chop if you were to say what you felt about this and I 'm awfully sorry .
18 Your home could be at risk if you do n't take some basic precautions — and not taking them now is giving a burglar an invitation for later .
19 Structural alterations Fundamentally altering the property to suit your business could be in breach of the agreement .
20 Your job could be at stake .
21 In fact almost everything which happens within your organisation could be of interest to the right publication .
22 On the other hand by following the grain your pattern could be on a definite slant , which would be very irritating .
23 It is also an independent feeding method which involves a separate rod and line to lower the dropper in , or , if used with the same rod and line with which you are fishing , takes up precious minutes of time when your hookbait could be in the water ; valuable minutes when the barbel are mad on feed .
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