Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] will [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I like it the way the ones that you can close each time , now I 'm sure my aerial will last longer .
2 I will become so deeply interested in whatever I am doing … in whatever is going on around me … my mind will become completely distracted away from myself .
3 My parents will wonder where I am . ’
4 Now , for more important brokers , what tends to happen is , er the Direct Marketing Manager , my boss will go out and meet these brokers , and er , effectively cost him the earth , erm .
5 My housekeeper will know where the first-aid equipment is , ’ he clipped , and piloted her through a passageway , and in through a solid wooden door .
6 The fact a small region , and we call ourselves a region , that 's how we got the grants , we now see ourselves developing to support our colleagues in and see the need for a strong regional approach which my colleague will mention later .
7 ‘ I wonder , ’ she muses to Naomi , getting back in the taxi , ‘ if my tongue will fall out because I lied to a rabbi ? ’
8 Erm I do n't expect that my life will change immediately if I found out about them .
9 My Bill will effect just that .
10 My uncle will go on keeping the horses if we want them .
11 ‘ But if you tell me my players will perform well tonight , I 'll settle for that . ’
12 My children will have already guessed that I am referring to a brandade .
13 No this one here , else my hands will drop off .
14 I must take you back or my resolution will break down . ’
15 ‘ Thank you , but my maid will do so ; she is drinking tea in the servants ’ quarters , and will come as soon as she is sent for . ’
16 be , I mean I Gearoid will turn up .
17 In addition , my company will pick up the tab for all legal and moving expenses .
18 ‘ I ai n't frightened my horses will run away : it 's yours I 'll have to look after . ’
19 The copy of the tune ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’ that exists in my brain will last only for the rest of my life .
20 My protest will go on until they change their minds .
21 From the sketch my reader will discover why this sea-cot was called the Boat-house : an upturned boat forms the roof , and under this roof is the but and the ben , the kitchen and the parlour , each boasting its own snug bed-box .
22 The idea is that their views will go forward to the IRFB and , astonishingly , it is not out of the question that one aspect or more of those variations could be dropped even before the Lions set foot in New Zealand .
23 Relevant previous circulars are cancelled , and local authorities were ‘ now asked to pick out for priority handling those applications which in their judgement will contribute most to national and local economic activity ’ .
24 A haulier must register for VAT if there are reasonable grounds for believing that its contracts will bring in more than a certain sum per year .
25 If one of the parties dies before the end of the mortgage term , their endowment will pay off their portion of the loan , and the surviving partner will continue paying into their policy exactly as before .
26 There 's no specific area that I can lay my finger on to explain why West Indian kids underachieve … what is inevitable is that a lot of West Indian children particularly the bright ones will do fairly well up to either the beginning or the middle of the fourth year , and for some peculiar reason their progress will fall off towards the end of the fifth year .
27 Before Wednesday 's Coca-Cola defeat at Nottingham Forest , Thorsvedt had gone five games without conceding a goal , and he puts his run down to a new carefree approach to the job which Chelsea will experience today .
28 Anyone who has tried to remove a hermit crab from its shell will know how tenacious these creatures can be .
29 But , says Libby Purves , children do n't like to be pushed and their skills will grow naturally if you give them gentle encouragement and lots of opportunities
30 Mr Sheppard , who qualified as a chartered secretary at the beginning of his career , believes their skills will become highly relevant during the 1990s .
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