Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] from [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The PBS , which came to power soon after its formation in 1985 , gained most of its support from the mainly Christian Kadazan ethnic group and from the Chinese ; however , the party also made some inroads into what had previously been USNO-controlled Moslem constituencies .
2 Princeton University Press is offering Fields of Vision : Landscape Imagery and National Identity in England and the United States by Stephen Daniels ( £32.25 , $45 ) , in which the author explores the ways in which artists from the later eighteenth century to the present day have used landscape as a way of embodying their national feelings , and how painters like Turner and Constable contributed to a ‘ myth ’ of national identity .
3 This gives the bird only about 10 seconds to make its escape from a wide bodied Boeing 747 .
4 The work which has , since 1986/87 , been achieved by Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) took its beginnings from a very wide range of agencies : both through its original base at the Community Education Development Centre in Coventry and through its non-governmental funding , it has been able to take account of differing interests and pressures .
5 New movements of student protest , militant trade unionism , and urban struggles drew their inspiration from a distinctively intellectual Western Marxism contained in the writings of Gramsci , the Frankfurt School and Sartre .
6 The judges of the Court of Appeal , by contrast , took the view that the proceedings before Barnett J. , being concerned only to review the order of Judge Cameron and having no independent existence of their own , took their character from the entirely criminal nature of that order .
7 Established as a Schallplatten Spezialhaus as early as 1927 , it derives its name from a once well-known record label on which the HMV catalogue was distributed in various European countries , with a huge manufacturing plant in Czechoslovakia .
8 It gets its name from the very large , sail-like , first dorsal fin .
9 Land varies in its quality from the highly fertile soils in equitable climates to the poor , thin or peaty soils in the uplands and hills .
10 But how can the advice ‘ Do this ’ or the decision ‘ I will do this ’ derive its authority from a purely factual claim , whether theological ( ‘ The creator of the universe commands this ’ ) , sociological ( ‘ It 's the law ’ , ‘ It 's the custom ’ ) or psychological ( ‘ I desire it ’ ) ?
11 She got no further , the words swallowed up as he bent and took her mouth in a punishing kiss that stole her breath from the very first touch of his lips .
12 The medical profession was about to be excluded by its ignorance from an almost universal practice .
13 Although Landry approaches her subject from a very different perspective than does this study , her work is certainly bold , thoughtful , and provocative .
14 Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel .
15 The Christian Bible with its progression from a wholly imaginary Garden of Eden to an authentically historical Roman Empire by way of a geographically very mixed up Land of Egypt and Land of Canaan is prototypical of a species of origin saga which can be encountered in all parts of the world among all kinds of people .
16 Sympathy began to flow their way from a normally sceptical press .
17 At any one time , the new and growing ( or even merely relocating ) parts of an economy will be selecting their locations from a highly complex geography .
18 They recruited their soldiers from the more adventurous or the more unruly on their route .
19 In a month when Harpers & Queen magazine devotes several pages to the lost art of manners , it may seem strange that parents should send their daughters from the most polite nation in the world to this newly graceless country .
20 McAllister looked at him from under the long dark eyelashes which had won his heart from the very first moment when he had seen them , on his sofa , adorning the unconscious girl he had carried in from the street .
21 Ford , distrusting such easy agreement , would seek support for his views from the more experienced officers of the battalion , but those officers , such as Peter d'Alembord , doubted whether the Prince of Wales 's Own Volunteers could truthfully be called a veteran battalion .
22 Churches : A Question of Conversion was produced with Derek Latham , an architect who specialises in historic buildings and runs his practice from a skilfully adapted church in Derby .
23 But he may have taken his reference from an even earlier source .
24 Stewart Wilson , Branch Manager , collected the award on behalf of his team from the well known TV personality and garden designer David Stevens , at the awards luncheon held at the Crest Hotel , Bristol .
25 While he continued to press the court against the excise and against France , he seems to have maintained his distance from the most prominent of the government 's opponents , Anthony Ashley Cooper , first Earl of Shaftesbury [ q.v. ] , and Buckingham .
26 Mr Yeltsin , in the middle of a 12-day holiday from battling to save his authority from the more conservative parliament , stayed away from the wreath-laying at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier .
27 The good old pre-Taylor Report surge occured , I was flung about fifteen foot in the air , the soap box splintered , my dad acrobatically caught me in his teeth , and this big evil looking bloke got a nail in his leg from the now flattened soapbox.It was better than staying up late to watch an American Werewolf in London.The rest is history , and I 've been going ever since .
28 Entry to the libertarian , undisciplined and nakedly elitist lifestyle of the Ecole Normale Superieure inevitably led Nizan to take stock of his situation from an entirely new perspective .
29 Like many Welshmen in and around the Neath and Swansea valleys , he had made his way from the more rural communities of West Glamorganshire and Carmarthenshire , up the valleys towards Brecon , and then moved eastwards towards the concentration of new industries at Dowlais , Merthyr , Rhymney , Tredegar , Beaufort , Ebbw Vale , and Pontypool .
30 When the hundred came up it weas from a very different Hick and Worcestershhire to what we 'd seen this morning .
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