Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [that] he was " in BNC.

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1 I sat in many a night myself when you were all younger , waiting for that piss artist of a father of yours to come home , knowing in my heart that he was down the Bayswater Road , spending desperately needed money on old brasses .
2 It was important for my self-esteem that he was a successful , sexually confident person who wanted me .
3 He shot a 69 , three-under-par , and although it was n't leading , it did n't change my thinking that he was going to be there at the finish .
4 His most famous champion , Jasper , would even turn and , by his demeanour and stance , ‘ tell ’ my father that he was not right , when directed to go in a wrong direction in pursuit of some unfortunate , injured but running , bird .
5 Sometimes , not feeling confident in her judgement that he was playing up , she let him stay .
6 She hoped with all her heart that he was not going the same way as his stepfather ; and yet , the signs were already there .
7 Secretly , under layers and wads of protest , was her admission that he was right , that these things were for the best .
8 It had crossed her mind that he was using her , but was n't she using him ?
9 There was no doubt in her mind that he was doing this deliberately and it drove her to forcefulness .
10 Even the dogs would be hushed as she told the story of the highwayman who came riding , riding by , or the shipwrecked sailor lost in a terrible storm , or the faithful lady who died by the gun to warn her lover that he was riding into a Roundhead trap .
11 ‘ You 've tried everything , I suppose ? ’ he asked in barely accented , pleasant tones , and earned more of her approval that he was n't talking down to her .
12 But he was incapable of saying more , and instead seized her in a bearlike hug , heedless of her cry that he was squashing her .
13 All she could think of was the two of them , and her suspicion that he was right about her .
14 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
15 Resistance might have been easier if he had been , not that her belief that he was had been enough to stop her succumbing to him once .
16 The claim is currently being considered by the Adjudication Officer who is awaiting a reply from the employer regarding Mr. Docherty 's response to their claim that he was dismissed for misconduct .
17 Yeltsin said that he had lured the coup leaders out of the Kremlin , where they were protected , by challenging them to go to Foros , the Black Sea resort where Gorbachev was being held , to get a statement from Gorbachev to confirm their claim that he was unable to carry out his duties .
18 The RUC refused to comment on their claim that he was an informer .
19 One of the boarders was a clergyman , the Reverend Baron from Cheshire , and he , finding her at every turn with the Bible open , praised her devotion , which released from her such loud protestations of her unworthiness that he was stopped in his tracks .
20 At its worse — as in Heather Dawkin 's embarrassingly biographic study of Degas ' models and their claims that he was an anti-semitic , mean-spirited man with public lice — it reinforces Modernist paradigms of auratic authorship .
21 Was he worried that she 'd finally found her proof that he was hand in glove with Harry Martin ?
22 His expression was unreadable , but she knew from the hot breath flowing over her breasts that he was finding the procedure as erotic as she was .
23 Mr Justice McCullough said the UN High Commission for Refugees was entitled to its view that he was a political refugee , and so was Amnesty International .
24 She had been right in her deduction that he was in love with someone .
25 And for him , it was an easy determination that , yes , it was , because there were enough daily shows of evidence by the Vietnamese people , young and old , children , others , of their satisfaction that he was there .
26 He saw the knowledge in her face that he was already chairman — all he needed was the official confirmation .
27 The first reference to the young gentleman is found in Lord Keith 's private correspondence in October 1797 , when the admiral complained to his sister that he was ‘ plagued with Adam Ross .
28 Richard Rampton QC , who is defending Lord Aldington 's libel action against historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and property developer Nigel Watts , suggested that the peer had given false evidence because it was ‘ essential ’ to his case that he was not in Austria on 23 , 24 and 25 May .
29 Hummel was so concerned with tempo that he had it written into his contract that he was to have control over all tempos during his 18-year tenure at Weimar .
30 I I can not see that it can have because it was n't actually put to him but he did mention twice in his judgement that he was aware of this new material and as Neil Bennet said , we 'll have to wait and see what that is .
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