Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [that] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It proves my case that he has n't been in touch again .
2 He made such a great hole in my gum that he had to stitch me up afterwards . "
3 And whilst I have gone to Middleton 's grave in the village of Mildenhall , I have found that I could in no way criticise his rejection of my plea that he stayed with the Pathfinders .
4 It has always been my hope that he did n't trouble to bestir himself even when we had gone out of sight .
5 It has come into my mind that he needs a wife , one of his own kind , to keep him company .
6 That effort marked him as a classic possible and his work on the gallops leaves no doubt in my mind that he has trained on and can dispose of Azhar on his way to better things .
7 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
8 Customs are different on our world and it is my fault that he does not yet understand what is expected of him . ’
9 I was prepared to be rock solid in my refusal to resign and in my insistence that he withdrew that damning memo . ’
10 He has tried to overcome it because you are so much his inferior and it is my opinion that he finds he ca n't and that vexes his proud heart .
11 I told my husband that he had this problem .
12 ‘ It was on my instruction that he telephoned you , ’ Ven cut her off .
13 They proposed to my father that he make a list of all our properties in Palestine so that they could buy them .
14 One day I suggested to my father that he buy me a pair of binoculars .
15 Jesus did not actually say that John would survive until the Second Coming , but , ‘ If it is my will that he remain until I come , what is that to you ? ’ ( 21:23 ) .
16 So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy .
17 Nick was so thrilled with my caddying that he told everyone on television in an interview that ‘ Andy Prodger has been great .
18 He intended to take Papa 's money and use it to keep his long-term mistress and their children ; he laughed at me behind my back … while he pretended to my face that he admired and loved me dearly .
19 But when her father , the widely respected leader of the Welsh radicals in Parliament , died suddenly in 1892 she found to her horror that he had left a crippling burden of debt and that his principal business enterprise , the Dillwyn spelter works at Llansamlet , Swansea , was on the verge of bankruptcy .
20 She knew in her heart that he had told the truth , and it had been herself at fault for so lacking trust in his integrity .
21 In that case the plaintiff , Dr. Roy , had begun an action in the Queen 's Bench Division against his family practitioner committee seeking , amongst other things , payment of part of his basic practice allowance which had been withheld by the committee , following their decision that he had failed to devote a substantial amount of his time to general practice as required by the relevant regulations .
22 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
23 Lisa was actually naïve enough , just for a moment , to allow the possibility to creep into her mind that he had kept silent in order to protect her .
24 Because there was no doubt in her mind that he had been talking from personal experience .
25 She held it on her finger and sang to it and made little kissing noises with her lips that he tried to imitate .
26 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
27 It may come from their perception that he does not take their ideas seriously .
28 as his friends used to call him ) was born prematurely and was not expected to live more than a few weeks ; it was only due to his mother 's great love for her child that he did survive .
29 And with that she turned on him herself and raising up her wings struck him such a blow with her talons that he rolled back out of control in the air , the tops of the pine trees below spinning before his eyes .
30 Even worse was their accusation that he encouraged Daffy Duck , Porky Pig and Elmer to cross-dress .
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