Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 Seaweed and my parents back from the dead and objects come alive and sort of leer at me and sometimes I joyfully feel as if I 'm going to sink to the bottom of the ocean forever , but I wake up and then I do n't know what 's real .
2 I 'll bring my luggage in from the car . ’
3 To say , as I pull my hand back from the flame , 'l have no reason to shun pain' , is no more than playing with a verbal formula of doubt ; it does not open any abyss under my feet like ‘ I have no reason to obey moral imperatives ’ .
4 In the course of fifteen years I have slowly worked my way up from the people , together with this Movement .
5 I 've been doing my own story all afternoon , and I had to cover the opening of a new computerized diagnosis unit out at Barnet on my way back from the Sillick Memorial . ’
6 ‘ I happened to see it on my way back from the nursing-home and I thought it would go particularly well with the dress . ’
7 It was only eight o'clock ; obviously I 'd conked out some time before everybody else , and they were still asleep ( I had heard appropriate log-sawing-like noises coming from Hamish and Tone 's room on my way back from the bathroom ) .
8 I got my bag down from the rack .
9 Bless him , he went away with the promise of a full sitting when I 'd got my face back from the cleaners .
10 I went to see the Postmistress and she said I 've known you all my life , so start work on Monday morning because , you see , it was so quick and I had n't got my references back from the Railway Company but that 's what she said er I can start work on Monday morning .
11 On Thursday , her half-day off from the shop , as Rachaela was sitting in her chair listening to Tchaikovsky ballet music , the door sounded .
12 Her hair down from the secret of her ears ,
13 At the time it seemed as though the Midland had miraculously got its money back from the ill-fated venture .
14 Burning of the Dicranopteris , which acts as a nutrient-conservation system , leads to its shooting out from the rhizomes but trees can not get established .
15 The two dealers escaped through a back window , after dropping their belongings down from the fire-escape .
16 Tabitha sat up fast , jerking her hips back from the snarling Perk .
17 I could see she wanted to leave and soon she pushed her chair back from the table and stood up to leave .
18 ‘ Nico 's Dream ’ is a fine example of this , where a sampled fragment of the late ice queen 's vocal is caught in a metal mesh of shifting sound that , for a fleeting moment , brings her spirit back from the dead .
19 The gang expected to net £5,000 as they ambushed a wages clerk on her drive back from the bank .
20 They seem to have curled their arms up from the mouth as five ribs and then connected them by more plates to form a sphere .
21 Between Newbury and Reading a middle-aged man had pressed his knee against hers , and she had had to change compartments , doing her best to look unconcerned about it , as if she often heaved her suitcase down from the rack halfway between stations to try the view farther down the train .
22 In May 1806 , Lewis and Clark re-entered the Nez Perce homeland , on their journey back from the Pacific .
23 During the millennia of genetic divergence , while warp storms cut their worlds off from the rest of the galaxy , they were forced to manufacture their own food and air .
24 She shook her head , lifting her coat down from the peg , her heart beating double time as he came and took it from her to slide it smoothly up her arms .
25 ‘ Although we have wasted money on Taurus , this is an ideal opportunity for firms to wrest control of their destiny back from the Exchange , ’ said one .
26 As they left the Springall mansion and waited in Cheapside for an ostler to bring their horses round from the stables , Athelstan sensed Cranston was furious with him but the coroner waited until they had mounted and moved away from the house before stopping and giving full vent to his fury .
27 Two of the firm 's directors , the general manager and many managers of the company are women who have worked their way up from the sales force .
28 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
29 None are so ruthlessly exclusive as those who have worked their way up from the ranks .
30 Leaking wisps of smoke wormed their way out from the sides of the stoves ' doors , adding a pungent aroma of something like burning coal to the medley of smells produced by the man-high vats bubbling away on top of the bulging , flattened-looking stoves .
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