Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [is] that the " in BNC.

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1 The feedback I get from my heart is that the best skiing is to be found not at big resorts but small ones .
2 My hypothesis is that the conditions of work are such that one mode of relating is that of schizoid withdrawal which means that individuals have to take on some of the characteristics just described .
3 And I I think I must say that i it 's well certainly in Nottingham , my experience is that the church of England is and perhaps other churches , are more aware of this than the catholic church is .
4 My contribution is that , my experience is that the hook can often be a national event .
5 My worry is that the clamp on public sector pay rises may spark a winter of discontent .
6 In Hemingway 's famous expression , what teachers need at the present time is ‘ grace under pressure ’ , and my intention is that the discussions in this book should be very practical aids to the development of this valuable commodity .
7 My fear is that the proposals of the relatively forward-looking NCC will come to naught in SEAC .
8 My fear is that the maul will go completely .
9 I am sorry to say this , but my fear is that the reality is that there would be a substantial minority with weighty voting powers which would look to their appointing authority for a lead .
10 My submission is that the identification and analysis of the two key features mentioned above indicate that it is a right which is far from being the general bulwark it purports to be .
11 My contention is that the prime reason for this situation — in the publicly available data domain — is the failure of librarians and information scientists to get a proper grip on the overall problem and to take effective measures to solve it .
12 My contention is that the unity of Gandhi 's thought and the interrelatedness of the various aspects of his teaching spring from firmly-held metaphysical beliefs and that the nature of these beliefs become very much apparent when he expounds what he means by Truth .
13 My contention is that the main cause of the British predicament has not been the British economy but rather the decline of sterling and the failure of British policy to adapt to that decline … .
14 On this issue , my contention is that the dominant tradition of public law thought is to be found in a conservative variant of the normativist style .
15 My contention is that the events of October 1962 took place in a very specific historical context in terms of the Soviet appraisal of global power relations .
16 Analyses of sexism in the curriculum should also include identification of what is left out , either within subject areas , or in terms of potential links between areas of knowledge : my contention is that the higher the prestige , and the more valuable a credential the subject becomes , the more likely it is to exclude issues , themes and approaches which relate to personal and female domains .
17 My recollection , and I 'm speaking from memory , and I could be wrong , but I think that the last time I looked at lists of the various companies in Telford , where I 'm obviously more concerned , not , well , that 's not to mean I 'm not concerned elsewhere , but I 'm more familiar with respect to them , my recollection is that the more American than anything else on that site .
18 My point is that the press has a powerful part to play in redressing the balance .
19 Just briefly , I have been correspondence right back erm it 's difficult to see why that land was designated for land except that it 's agricultural land and erm my point is that the gradient on a lot of the site , especially on the northern erm banks is one in five and one in seven and to build on that would erm well even said that the building would be imponderous so I mean i it just is n't a suitable site , apart from the link road , for , for housing either because the gradient there would , would be very erm difficult from a landscape point of view a there 's nothing they could do to improve the till you know the turn of the century and they are and through all the planning papers from nineteen eighty five it is said that that Hill ca n't be improved so I mean unless they do something erm dramatic , I ca n't see what they can do , I mean it just is n't a suitable site for development .
20 My point is that the form that an animal 's subjective experience takes will be a property of the internal computer model .
21 So my conclusion is that the election result will complete , rather than undermine , Labour 's progress towards political correctness .
22 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
23 My suspicion is that the male committees which control the majority of British golf clubs deliberately keep ladies ' subscriptions lower than men 's in order to have the excuse to maintain the inequality .
24 My theory is that the vote of confidence in Jackson was followed by widespread dismay among certain players , sections of the support — and shareholders .
25 One of my arguments is that the mechanical relations of work can bring about this withdrawal .
26 Wile I happily photograph the classical palm fringed beaches of this kind , my feeling is that the good tropical island photography requires that one chooses a scene of paradise which records the fact of perfect beauty , yet , at the same time , evokes the presence of humans .
27 My feeling is that the younger students are caught in a double bind between a lack of jobs if they leave and a squeeze on higher education if they stay .
28 Yet , my feeling is that the spirits could bear my reproaches for bad advice a good deal more easily than men of flesh and blood to whom contusions and abrasions , the common result of argument , are very real sources of anguish .
29 ‘ But my feeling is that the winds of change are blowing through this club and that the old guard 's days are numbered . ’
30 But my feeling is that the sort of run-of-the-mill , solid English composer , I say solid — they are not actually solid — but I mean the Harrison Birtwhistles , the Maxwell Davises of this world are some of the most interesting people in the world at the moment .
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