Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [is] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My function is to lay before you , in a logical and detached manner , the fruits of my experience .
2 My ambition is to progress to the top 300 in the world .
3 Satisfy me about your intention and my lady 's to live at Tunbridge together .
4 Rather , my aim is to look at the kinds of assumption that informed the various strands of positivist criminology , and at the way they differed from classical assumptions in both theory and practice .
5 My job is to go on stage and make people forget about their problems — I do n't want to tell them about mine . ’
6 My job is to go to Whitehall , not Oxford , and to read the appropriate documents , not interrogate witnesses .
7 My job is to build on what they have done . ’
8 My policy is to vote in local elections for the person who , in my opinion , is going to serve the locality best , regardless of political views , but how can one vote without some knowledge of who is putting up for election ?
9 For avid fans of the movies my advice is to stick with The Empire Strikes Back .
10 At least ten works have already been snapped up at the private view , so my advice is to get to Billingham as soon as you can .
11 My tip is to go for really good quality ski pants in black with braces and team that with a jacket that suits your style .
12 His great purpose in your life and in my life is to reproduce in our lives , the life of Jesus Christ .
13 My will is to pay in full for all my sins . ’
14 Their hope is to succeed as the consolidator of post-Thatcherism after the fourth election win .
15 Their function is to act as a ‘ buffer ’ between the rest of the monetary sector and the Bank of England .
16 Its function is to act as a filing system … . ’
17 Her technique is to paint with acrylics directly on to the surface , making no preliminary drawings .
18 Its ethos is to work through existing organisations to bring about change .
19 Their technique is to look for the process known as ‘ inverse beta decay ’ , in which an electron- anti neutrino reacts with a proton to produce a positron ( positive electron ) and a neutron .
20 Wealth is only desirable in so far as it enables them to indulge in litigation , and the height of their ambition is to succeed in a case , especially if thereby their enemy is punished . ’
21 Relaunched on a regular basis , its intention is to bring to the public 's attention the fact that many who would otherwise have valid personal injury cl aims never proceed with them .
22 Nevertheless , I think its effect is to distort in some ways the dualism set up by Proust .
23 Its effect is to expose to restraining action in the courts any local authority activity not backed by statutory authority .
24 Their crime is to protest against the day-to-day control which the Guatemalan army has exercised over their lives — an army which consumes about a third of the national budget .
25 Choreographers today also need to understand what can be called a Grammar of Choreography if their work is to emerge as a valid stage presentation .
26 I 'd heard so much about the blinking cruise being in October and not in September that I 'd considered it done and June , fool that she is , chose not to challenge me outright because her tactic is to suffer in silence until her suffering spills from her like lava , devastating everyone in its path .
27 Nonetheless , her gift is to write about her characters as if they are known to her : her stories unfold through their eyes , with no apparent authorial manipulation .
28 Its job is to look at all instruments laid before the Houses with a view to drawing the attention of the Houses to such instruments as are specified in its terms of reference .
29 The Transatlantic strategists ’ , it was claimed , ‘ do not conceal the fact that from a military point of view their aim is to create in the Persian Gulf a third centre — in addition to Western Europe and the Far East of military might outside the USA and covered by an atomic umbrella . ’
30 His or her job is to deal with the child 's physical needs ( e.g. arising from incontinence , lack of mobility or impaired speech ) rather than to help teach the whole class .
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