Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [v-ing] she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's enough , Liddy ! ’ said Bathsheba , her anxiety making her unusually cross .
2 She nodded dumbly , the reality of her escape hitting her suddenly like a body-blow .
3 In October the girl won an order under the 1989 Children 's Act to stop her parents forcing her home .
4 She , her body prompting her still , with no finality in her , turned her world over and over again in her mind 's restless fingers .
5 She sat up in a kind of horror , her feelings filling her up with shame .
6 After that , there 'd been a bit of a void between floundering furiously in the deep waters of the Mediterranean — her denims weighing her down and her bikini-top , evidently not refastened securely enough , doing a treacherous disappearing act — and being hauled into strong male arms , dragged aboard a strange boat , then deposited on a plush banquette seat , feeling decidedly under-dressed for the occasion …
7 She was lifted against his bare chest as if she weighed no more than a feather , the shock of his warm skin and the slight roughness of short , curling hair against her palms rendering her abruptly speechless .
8 For just when Gabriel thought he was rid of the devil-man , he saw them arguing at a distance , father and daughter ; Izzie pointing back towards the cart , Lucie shaking his head ; Izzie tugging on his arm , pleading , and her father pushing her away .
9 She felt their hands holding her firmly and one of them pushed his scarf over her mouth to muffle her scream .
10 The compulsion to get away , and not look back , was as strong as a hand on her shoulder urging her forward .
11 Her eyes blinded by scalding tears , Isabel stumbled after fitzAlan , the punishing pace he set almost causing her to fall several times , only his vice-like grip on her arm keeping her upright .
12 She had her tin trunk , and she cried , waiting on the platform with her family seeing her off , for the through train to Manchester .
13 She expected Urquhart but found first a message from her brother inviting her down for the weekend .
14 And for a moment they strained together , their breathing harsh , uneven , then with a sudden movement he rolled on top of her , his weight crushing her down into the grasses .
15 It was like swimming in warm darkness , only her slender arms around his neck holding her upright as his hands caressed her body and moulded her against him .
16 ‘ No reason , ’ he said easily as he sipped his tea , his eyes watching her steadily over the rim of the mug .
17 His finger pressed her lips , his eyes warning her not to continue .
18 Guido took a mouthful of his whisky , his eyes scanning her amusedly over the top of his glass .
19 She took to living in her swimsuit , a colourful sarong tied at her hips , long black hair streaming loose and silken down her slender back , and Damian would watch her with intent eyes as she moved around the house , his eyes eating her up as she grew more and more sensual , her inhibitions almost completely erased by his lovemaking .
20 He stood back to look down the line of her figure under the flimsy nightgown , his eyes caressing her as blatantly as if she had been naked .
21 ‘ Goodnight , Rob MacDonald , ’ she whispered , and he reached for her and kissed her gently , the sadness in his eyes making her suddenly afraid .
22 Penry came to lean in the doorway , his eyes following her about as she took packets and tins from the cupboard , making her decidedly uneasy .
23 He pulled her closer , his lips brushing her again .
24 Even so , she could feel the heat of his desire drawing her back to him , sapping her will to resist .
25 He straightened to kiss her with lazy possessiveness on her mouth , his tongue devouring her even as he was impatiently unbuckling the waist of his trousers , dispensing with the remainder of his clothes with rough masculine haste .
26 ‘ You do n't mind ? ’ she asked , thinking it more than good of him to use his morning squiring her around , without him letting himself in for an afternoon of more of the same !
27 He nodded , sitting back slightly , the gun in his pocket covering her now .
28 The point is , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that he had spent his life seeking her out , yet left his feet to do the dirty work .
29 ‘ You 're the one who 's simply wonderful ! ’ he breathed , his arms enfolding her once more .
30 Darkness was filling her , spiralling in harsh tension , his touch forcing her upwards towards ecstasy .
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