Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb mod] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , but the thing I 'd smu my mum would we do n't want one as far as these .
2 So at the end of my review can I recommend Ami Pro 3.0 ?
3 My darling would you pass me
4 Not while there 's a breath left in my body would I steal from anyone … let alone my own father … ’
5 When using a rewarding strategy , it is important to make it quite plain to children that they will not be rewarded if they have previously asked for a reward ( 'Mummy , if I do my homework can I stay up late ? ' ) and to apply this rule rigorously .
6 My Lord m may I add one further matter , er , My Lord may I say on behalf of the family er the that your Lordship 's comments will be very gratefully received er , neither Mr or Mrs , although they 've sought recognition for what they 've done for their daughter , they did it out of their fond love for her but nevertheless having such a and such comment from your Lordship will be very , very good .
7 Er , my Lord may I say that er in relation to the witness statement erm , clearly the credibility of this , the plaintiff Mr is going to be substantially in issue er and therefore er I propose er not to simply to tell him er and say erm in your witness statement your evidence erm but clearly to take him to those areas which are in dispute and to ask him to deal fully with them in I appreciate it 's going to erm take some time to do that but it is important in my submission that your Lordship has the ability to er assess the plaintiffs .
8 Yes my Lord can I say w , your Lordship says that and for the benefit of the jury , that with the subsequent officers objections I 'm not going to take them through their training or their .
9 I , I did n't get in while er I thought she were ten to four and I got a phone message off my daughter-in-law would I ring her .
10 Daddy I have in my bag can you get that out ?
11 Nor in my view will it look much like Kenneth Baker 's essentially hierarchical or military vision of a chain of command from centre to periphery , because curricula are not ultimately manageable in that way .
12 Every time I say what which story shall we have today , they say the Three Billy Goats Gruff .
13 Which fuse should they put in the plug ?
14 Is this team to play in Europe ? … in which case can we have the Frog ? ( te he he ! )
15 And then we wrote back to them and said we are very likely getting funding from , in which case can we use your money for other purposes er Well one reason specifically said chairs .
16 Absurd , yes so which bit would you say is absurd ?
17 My hair needs colouring , and which bit should I perform to entice the public into Re:Joyce ?
18 Into which category would you place ( a ) economic geography and ( b ) a geographical information system ?
19 Only the playwright 's doctor warning them of their responsibility should he die on the way , prevented them carrying out so insensitive a duty .
20 Only by gritting her teeth could she stop them chattering .
21 In which direction shall I let myself be moved ?
22 In awareness of everything relevant to the issue ( = everything which would spontaneously move me one way or the other ) , I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. In which direction shall I let myself be moved ?
23 In which direction will it move if its support is taken away ?
24 In which direction should one let oneself be moved ?
25 But which books should you buy ?
26 round the back , which entrance would they come in ?
27 ‘ By the way , which side shall we roll if we flip ? ’
28 Which side will you follow this September ?
29 ‘ Two chests of drawers and this big wardrobe — which side will you have ? ’
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