Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [det] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Students in schools are too often exposed to 19th century technology ( paper-bound administration systems , blackboards and chalk ) yet in their homes many have learnt to become competent in the technologies of the 20th century .
2 As the French Ambassador in Japan had signed a written agreement guaranteeing their return this has caused considerable embarrassment and a split between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chancellory ( who are backing the judge ) .
3 Although the United States accepted the case for the dollar eventually being convertible into SDRs , in its view this had to result from the dollar being sufficiently competitive to generate enough capital and current account surpluses over a period to make convertibility a reality .
4 In his eyes this has led to ‘ bad software . ’
5 In one instance the complainant and his witnesses each had to walk over three hundred kilometres back and forth from the court because the case was postponed several times .
6 In his chairman 's statement , David Morris reveals that ‘ at the year end the directors considered the market value of the portfolio with vacant possession and in our opinion this has increased by £7,832 ’ .
7 In our day this has degenerated into the assumption that virtually every personal misfortune can be blamed upon some authority or institution — usually the government of the day .
8 In our age this has become an urgent question for many people and many others have left Christianity behind them .
9 We asked all County and District Councils to let us have a copies of their completed questionnaires , and to our surprise many have done so .
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