Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [det] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In her books this is to be found at its most extreme in Sara Crewe ( 1888 ) — expanded , following the stage version , as The Little Princess ( 1905 ) — a Cinderella story where a bullied little drudge at a girls ' school is restored to riches and esteem and the tyrannical headmistress humiliated .
2 Can I be clear please I I 'm sorry Mr , can I just be clarif clarified as far as E N V Eleven is concerned , which pond this is in terms of names ?
3 Can you guess which countries these are from the descriptions below ?
4 Thus , though one might for some purposes characterise the human sciences as concerned with human behaviour in all its fullness this is to misrepresent what turn out to be very different ways of looking at or being interested in the world of human beings .
5 In the box Boy kept a few books and a lot of letters ; apart from his clothes these were about the only things he had in the flat that were his own .
6 Count the number of empty " slot " in your address book and see what proportion this is of the total available .
7 In our case this is in terms of mood disturbance , physical symptoms , catastrophic thoughts , avoidance behaviour , and general effects on specific areas of everyday life .
8 It is particularly noticeable in his discussion of what he regards as ‘ irrational ’ protest movements , such as those associated with witchcraft and satanism , and for our purposes these are of special interest since they highlight the strategy used by the members of the Annales school to explain individual beliefs and actions .
9 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
10 When we did our table this is for adding and taking away erm that 's a positive number and that 's a negative number , okay ?
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