Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My relatives all live in the States — his are in Jersey .
2 My timber all came from local sources : by pure chance one timber yard had recently acquired an elm butt and I purchased the first board ( a huge log sawn into 2in boards — the real stuff ) .
3 My friends all seem to be organised but all I seem to do is scream at the children and be in a muddle .
4 When the indicator board clacked out the information BAGGAGE IN HALL against their flight , a circle of bell-ringers in my stomach all heaved on their ropes at the same time , and the terrible clangour they set off in my skull could only be stilled by a couple of stiff ones at the bar .
5 No , it 's not sore it 's just my stomach all seems to Mm .
6 I am , I was born in Essex , in in hospital and my family all come from Essex , and I was brought up in Upminster and I was very fortunate in that I was born into a christian home and I had christian parents and christian grandparents and christian aunts and uncles and I went to church from the time I was about two or three weeks old .
7 Or rather , she did not say " Yes " — she said " We 'll have to see , " but in her terminology this counted as a positive affirmative .
8 Coaches are generally asked to give an undertaking that their entries all comply with age ceilings .
9 Then there 's kissing : I kiss anyone , does n't matter who , could be the milkman , who stinks , or the cat , and , you 've guessed it , every time , the Monster starts reaching up with its podgy arms and its lips all crimped into a wet sucky snout .
10 This , however , is not the case , for although Nuer ancestors do receive some attention from their descendants this pales into insignificance in comparison with the cult of the deity kwoth who is the unchallenged central focus of Nuer religiosity .
11 England have more in their favour this time : as many as three go through , rather than one , and they will play all their opening matches in Cagliari whereas their rivals all have to shuttle back and forth from Palermo .
12 Impact printers are the largest group and consist of three main sub categories ; dot matrix , daisy wheel and ink jet and , apart from the latter which actually fires its ink these operate by pressing something hard through a ribbon in order to leave an impression on the sheet of paper .
13 At its apex this radiated from the product division to the central organs of calculation and control .
14 For those theses who have only one recorded citation , the citation period is zero , as it is for those theses whose citations all fall within a single year .
15 I feel compassion for my soul that has been indelibly marked with the rubber stamp of religion and nationality and defiled by innumerable stains , not the least of them being those caused by myself — for we scourge ourselves terribly .
16 I tuck everything away , his toes , his fingers all swaddled against the wind .
17 ‘ How about going for another swim ? ’ said Rufus , and he turned , his mouth all dabbled with wine , to look into Adam 's eyes .
18 My nephew is an avid reader , and his books all come to me . ’
19 Many of the experimental perturbations involved rearranging or removing the parts of the early embryo and seeing what effect this had on the embryo 's development .
20 Secondly , the analysis of the search space showed precisely why these hypotheses fell through the net of syntactic constraints , and what effect this had on performance .
21 What differentiates true experiments from non-experimental enquiries is the attempt , either in the laboratory or field , to produce an effect among groups which have been randomly formed ; in the simplest experiment , the researcher deliberately alters the X values of an experimental group , and sees what effect this has on their Y values by comparing them with a control group .
22 The first was to trace small mammal bone in modern cave environments , to examine the extent to which it is transported and what effect this has on the breakage and preservation of the bone assemblages .
23 When asked what effect this has on his paintings , he replies , ‘ I feel like an Irish outsider , which has given me a neutrality of vision .
24 To find out what effect this has on the perch 's eggs , and how much the minnows gain from the ploy , Reiko Baba of Japan 's Osaka City University spent up to six hours a day face down in a stream , armed with a snorkel and face mask .
25 Whatever effect this has on the children 's futures as clerks , it maims creative instinct .
26 One fails to see what relevance this has to the present issue at hand which is to deal with the present-day traffic using the estate .
27 Let us first recall the classical continuum definitions of stress and then consider in what ways these need to be modified to have meaning at the molecular level .
28 And that is something that we shall want to look at to see what impact this has on the rest of the curriculum .
29 One wonders what thoughts this invites in the minds of those young readers whose parents are ‘ mere ’ bus drivers , nurses , sheep farmers , or school teachers .
30 To what extent this relates to Leapor 's own circumstances is not certain .
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