Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My problem is that over the last 4 or 5 years , I 've been having my hair highlighted and gradually I feel that it has become too blonde .
2 ‘ We decided that the only course was to run away to marry at Gretna Green , because her guardian , as soon as he knew of my interest , first tried to get my apprenticeship broken and then announced that his son would marry Catherine on the day of her twenty-first birthday — two weeks from now .
3 I managed to get all my work done and still watch some of my favourite programs on the television .
4 Yeah was on my batteries gone as well .
5 His pleasure comes from a different source : ‘ I am obviously very conscious of what my forebears achieved and therefore it matters to me that the business has survived , remained independent and has grown . ’
6 If anyone thinks my language exaggerated or highly coloured — and such there might well be , considering that no one here under pensionable age can have any recollection of a world without rent restriction or subsidised rents — let him recall another upas tree which we only managed to cut down in the nick of time ten years ago .
7 Once a year she gets her hair permed and once a year she buys face powder .
8 So he calls the heart a wild beast liable to impulsive leaps out of control , a situation archetypally illustrated in the story of the Fall when Eve 's eyes leapt to the apple and her heart followed and so she leapt from Paradise to the pains of mortality and took all men with her .
9 Characteristic of Lanzarote are the numerous cones of extinct volcanoes , their surfaces smoothed and round by the dry , fierce winds heading out across the Atlantic from the Moroccan Sahara .
10 I also make the rule that , before a person has had a turn , they sit with their legs crossed and afterwards place them out in front .
11 For some of these guys , maybe in the fifties or 60 years old , it could mean the difference between having their homes repossessed or not , ’ he said .
12 A gimmick highlighting the plight of people losing their homes backfired when more than 100 complaints flooded into the charity and the Advertising Standards Authority .
13 This was to encourage people to work through until their department moved and also so that R.S. left the impression of being a caring employer with those who chose redundancy .
14 They all had their pictures done and eventually over a period of about a year , she actually did a portrait of everybody in the Home .
15 Well before I got married I had this I had this fucking dream that we could n't get our hairs done , all the girls could n't their hairs done because nowhere was open .
16 For some time there have been rumours that the urbs have been solving the problem by having their foxes caught and surreptitiously turned loose in remote rural areas .
17 Emily caught sight of the shoemaker 's daughter , a basket over her arm , and for a moment their eyes locked and then Emily looked away .
18 She looked at him , their eyes met and quickly she looked away again .
19 For one unbelievable moment their eyes met and once again it was as if they had stepped back into their own circle of magic .
20 This time her eyes rattled as well as her teeth .
21 Harry stayed with her until her eyes closed and then went to see if there was any way he could offer some comfort to the grief-stricken man downstairs .
22 For a moment her eyes opened and then she hurriedly bent her head .
23 Wishing she 'd kept her mouth shut and never mentioned her need of some new clothes , Laura found herself being dragged , willy-nilly , towards the lifts .
24 She stumbled off the edge of the concrete path , and immediately his flashlight was directed towards the ground and at the same time he pressed her arm more tightly into his side , and like this they walked on until they reached the wood , and there their steps slowed and quietly he asked , ‘ Where 's he gone tonight ? ’
25 To actually have their feet washed and then go down and wash somebody else 's ?
26 ‘ Not in so many words perhaps , ’ said Mark , ‘ but they do manage somehow to make their wants known and perhaps even more persistently than we do . ’
27 Tessa first of all sat down on the edge of the bed , with her knees together , her feet crossed and slightly to one side , her back straight , and her cup and saucer at chest height , as she had learnt in Social Situation Training .
28 Her parents separated and later divorced and she says the ‘ family split into two ’ .
29 Whether their sites shifted or not , everywhere towns became transformed by the great churches and the smaller shrines built both near their centres and in their suburbs in the fourth and fifth centuries .
30 A quarrel ensues in which the television characters argue that they are more deserving of prayer than novelistic characters because the latter have a far longer life ; the characters from novels insist that only they need their existences reinforced because only they are in danger of losing their audience .
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