Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [adv] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm a great believer in it , I , I park my car close to that and find it a most convenient way of travelling around .
2 Bologna owed its prominence mainly to this fact that both laws were studied there .
3 Visiting researchers will be given the opportunity of submitting papers arising from their work here to this journal , or to other journals , with the advice and assistance of supervising scientists , and with in-house editorial assistance from trained and experienced staff .
4 Communications are therefore usually direct and easy , and the staff are able to relate their work personally to that of other departments .
5 In the case of computer-assisted learning , pupils who engaged in tasks only when directed to do so by their teacher and limited their responses only to those specifically indicated by the teacher would be functioning at this level .
6 Several species of birds — caciques and oropendolas in South America , for example , and weaverbirds in Africa — habitually build their nests close to those of ferocious wasps which many animals take care to avoid disturbing .
7 It is not , therefore , unexpected that governments since the last war in this country have confined their efforts largely to this aspect of equality .
8 She could n't hold the challenge of Kostroma in the straight , but second place brought her earnings worldwide to half a million pounds .
9 Then your mother and grandmother read its scandals aloud to each other in the kitchen , with a monotonous note of sustained outrage that was never sated .
10 He called for both prosecution and defence to declare their hands fully to each other before the start of a serious fraud case in an attempt to speed up proceedings .
11 This part of the survey deals with teachers ' attitudes towards SSE generally , and is not therefore restricted in its application only to that minority of Solihull secondary teachers who have actually seen the booklet .
12 Both J. Sainsbury and Marks & Spencer upgraded their sales assistants , mostly women , to bring their pay closer to that of warehouse workers , mostly men .
13 One answer that has been proposed is that they somehow ‘ tunnel ’ their way instantaneously to another part of the Universe — or even to an alternate Universe .
14 I can remember their faces clearly to this very day .
15 Draw his attention particularly to any difficult parts , by underlining , or merely pointing .
16 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
17 This means that not only must all shareholders of the same class receive the same offer but , for instance , if the offeror subsequently buys shares in the market at a higher price he must increase his offer generally to that higher price .
18 Only when they reached Temple Stairs and disembarked did he put one podgy arm round Athelstan 's shoulders and press his face closer to that of the friar .
19 The FAX , again for the technically minded is a Send 9600/Receive 4800 and will send any of the following file types from your PC directly to any Group III fax machine : - ASCII , TIF , IMG , BMP , CUT , PCX , DCX , Word Perfect 5. x files .
20 Now might it not be also a very good idea then to report back to another public meeting with the results of those suggestions possibly done in a written form which could be freely available before the meeting so that people can discuss these in a structured way because I think this evening one of the problems about this evening is that points are being missed because issues are being jumped from one to another in no structured way and I think that it might be worth while for another meeting where it is structured but certainly to produce the results of your discussions internally to many of the ideas that you 've heard this evening .
21 Anyway , erm the er what were your solutions then to that ?
22 ‘ Put your eye close to that window . ’
23 Possession of even two out of the three characteristics made continued home care unlikely , but we shall confine our attention here to those who possessed all three in order to look as exclusively as possible at those for whom the Home Support Project 's service was crucial .
24 So you have to er put your your presentation properly to those sort of people you know .
25 What about sending one of your boys across to that overflowing grocer 's there to get us a fine Tuscan loaf ?
26 Tack your tubing firmly to this background .
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