Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [adv] seem to " in BNC.

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1 All through my childhood , my body always seemed to be going numb .
2 Their lives always seemed to him to be more complete than those of men , more … together , somehow , less compartmentalized .
3 The best explanation of their incompatibility still seems to be Mommsen 's : divus Marcus is a later gloss .
4 Lying upon the sand at a distance of 200 yards [ 180 m ] , their bodies often seem to be a uniform dull chrome yellow , but in reality the entire upper surface of the animal from snout to tail is of a uniform olive green , mottled with the former colour .
5 We can now not only see why in such sentences one feels an implicit predication with respect to a support but also get a clearer view of why to is used before the infinitive : its role here seems to be simply that of indicating that the infinitive 's support is situated in time before the actualization of the infinitive 's event .
6 Here the image that offers to convey something about somebody also strives to protect itself and its subject from that process of narrative unfolding by which portraiture always seems to be accompanied .
7 The only excitement in her life now seemed to be the exchange of clothes for hats by Mrs Bretton-Fawcett .
8 Small companies still tend to be inhibited by the cost of using such services and within larger firms the knowledge of their benefits still seems to be limited to a small number of individuals and not widely recognised within the company as a resource .
9 Her clothes never seemed to be quite right .
10 It would also end the inevitable comparisons between slalom and WWR in which WWR invariably seems to be the poorer partner .
11 It was true if you had an American boyfriend you stood to gain quite a bit in material goods , as their PX always seemed to be well stocked with food and silk stockings , cigarettes and make-up — all things in short supply in England — and for this reason if nothing else the Yanks were never short of female company .
12 Ruckelshaus is a marked contrast to Burford and her political mentor , the Interior Secretary James Watt , whose attitude often seemed to be that the environment was over-protected .
13 His campaign now seems to be down to its last card — to brand Mr Da Silva as a dangerous radical who is bent on introducing Stalinist communism into Brazil .
14 ‘ Oh , he 's OK ; his ideas certainly seem to be more in tune with OBEX policies than Graham Rowell 's ever were . ’
15 His housekeepers certainly seemed to rate more consideration than his bed-partners .
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