Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [adv] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Which is to my advantage anyway because it 's telling him
2 The last thing I wanted was for some motorist to hit one of my owls just when it was establishing itself .
3 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
4 I was 300 yards from home in a restaurant and had only used my car anyway because it was pouring with rain .
5 And I bring my work home cos it 's finished .
6 I grabbed at my towel just before it slipped .
7 Then she was blowing up like a bubble herself and getting fatter and fatter and more and more bulbous till she filled the whole sky and I knew that if she burst the explosion would drown me in mud too , and I could smell the slurry in my nostrils already and it was getting up my nose and I could n't breathe and …
8 but I 've got ta , I 've got ta , I know , I 've got ta get it off my back though because it 's really pissing me off .
9 I had banged my head badly and it was bleeding but my father was more angry than I had ever seen him .
10 I wound it around my head so that it covered all but my eyes .
11 Oh , I 've got it on my walkman now so it does n't make any difference erm occupation .
12 You see , he was my client , sure , but he was my friend too and it seems right , to me , his wife should be the one to tidy away after him . ’
13 In my case , several things made caring for my father easier than it might have been .
14 ‘ I ca n't walk far on my leg now because it 's a bit twisted but I 'm having physiotherapy .
15 It was something that gave me a framework for my experience , and in some ways kind of saved my life really because it gave me words to see that I was n't isolated , that there was a movement — it was very real and it was very gut .
16 You can imagine my relief now that it 's all over , and that it has turned out to be such a beautiful , conventional , dream wedding .
17 My turn now and it 's more of the same : a bit of gear her , a skip of the heart there as I scratch my way toward the roof .
18 I was reading my instructions though and it said before you start pressing knobs
19 I enjoy my Stag most when it is loafing along in overdrive ( the DIY box has longer legs than the automatic ) , exhaust burbling as only a twin-pipe V8 can burble .
20 In my judgment even if it could be said that Mr Clayton attorned tenant to Twogates by tacitly accepting the terms of that letter , such an attornment would not be evidence of an unequivocal intention on the part of the landlords to re-enter under the provisions of the … lease …
21 I 'm having my coffee now and it 's hot .
22 Well , no one was going to call them cheapskates even if it meant staying at home for the rest of the decade .
23 Clearly this would only be the case if the company was perceived as an entity distinct from its shareholders so that it followed that the company and not the shareholders would be liable for any debts .
24 Ruby did not want to , she wanted to talk about her technique even though it had let her down .
25 Sally , her father 's wife , had advised her on more than one occasion , but Harriet had as little time for stylists as she had for clothes — and besides , she rather liked her hair just as it was .
26 Theda stepped back and caught at the back of her hair just as it came tumbling down over her shoulders .
27 She had changed into a loose gauzy nightdress and released her hair so that it fell , witch-like , over her shoulders .
28 The tears were moistening her hair so that it clung to her cheeks , and they did n't look like stopping .
29 Now either , either we have , ei either you accept that and y y you 're saying n not only in terms of land reform is the Communist Party prepared to see poor peasants being allocated less than subsistence land but even when they are allocated land they 're being taxed on their income even though it 's well below subsistence .
30 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
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