Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [noun pl] had be " in BNC.

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1 What the crew were not aware of was when I went into the starboard turn and dive without knowing that my aileron controls had been severed , and the fortunate miss of the four throttles made all the difference to the immediate arrest of the desperate attitude of " Charlie " .
2 The deputy commander of the first artillery battalion reported that all its cell members had been so busily engaged on operations amongst the civilian population that there had been no meeting for over a month ( they were probably occupied in some of the unsavoury tasks noted earlier by our peasant soldier and his mother ) .
3 There was an inlaid desk upon which silver ornaments had been placed with that carefully posed look that photos in House and Garden have .
4 The Yorkshire Television switchboard in Leeds with its myriad lines had been jammed all day with calls about Hannah .
5 Her will indicates a modest estate , although the bulk of her household goods had been settled earlier on her daughters Alice ( born 1654 ) , the widow of Thomas Comber , DD , dean of Durham [ q.v. ] , and Katherine ( born 1656 ) , wife of Robert Danby of Northallerton , gentleman .
6 Every piece of their household effects had been sold to buy bread , and in many cases the tiles of the roofs had shared the same fate …
7 An army communiqué stated that its telecommunications regulations had been breached and that all ranks involved would be " sanctioned " , and that the army would co-operate with any civilian trials to do with the affair .
8 Indeed , as administrator Myra Hickey points out , when the Labour council was elected in 1986 one of its manifesto commitments had been to bring back the festival which had been absent for the previous two years owing to the council reclaiming its original site .
9 The second major departure was the coup de grâce administered to the Church , the one institution outside the State with which Muscovite monarchs had been compelled to reckon .
10 Its submission asserted that its marketing objectives had been met .
11 He added their safety instructions had been woefully inadequate .
12 Good afternoon : An inquest on four-month-old twins killed in a car accident has heard that their safety seats had been fitted wrongly .
13 Constance had supervised Camille 's introduction to the children of the neighbourhood , to her own nephews and nieces and those of approved families — some in which the parents were still encouraging their infants to assist on their shoplifting expeditions had been dropped from her acquaintance , as she regarded petty larceny as common and ill-advised — and had taken her to many places deemed of interest to children which Scarlet would have found uncongenial .
14 Some of the social and economic assumptions on which Beveridge and other pioneers had based their welfare schemes had been proved to be over-optimistic .
15 It was discovered that its mud walls had been encased by bricks and its thatched roof covered by pantiles in the nineteenth century .
16 She might not know too much about men — her adult experiences had been confined to Hugh Forster — but she did know her own sex .
17 She had taken it all for granted for so long , her creature comforts had been assured and she had not given a moment 's thought to how they were provided .
18 Even their police greatcoats had been insufficient to keep out the chill and the wet of this storm .
19 Their glass eyes had been horribly knowing .
20 Although the existence of nitrate pollution and its health implications had been known for decades , in the UK it was not thought to be much of a problem until 1984 .
21 Brotherton & Harris ( 1988 ) point to increased difficulties in arranging back-up services and in discharging patients into community health services , if their hospital services had been provided far from their home locations .
22 It felt the thunder although its hearing faculties had been destroyed by the absorption process .
23 Her childhood hardships had been limited to undergoing doting but humourless tirades from her mother .
24 But the war also completed his task for him by sweeping away the remains of the system under which golf professionals had been subjugated as decent , working-class chaps .
25 The struggle now became more equal , for the churned , blood-stained mud affected both sides ; and both were short of food and ammunition , since their supply lines had been largely demolished by rival artillery fire .
26 One anxious socialite complained that five of her dinner invitations had been cancelled .
27 Observers speculated that it offered Gorbachev 's conservative opponents probably their last chance to influence policy as a credible force in the central committee : in recent weeks a grassroots party revolt had toppled the conservative leaderships in several regions and cities , including Tyumen in West Siberia , Chernigov in the Ukraine , and Volgograd in southern European Russia , while conservatives were facing a rout in the forthcoming local soviet ( council ) elections ( in which party leaders had been encouraged to stand ) and in elections to party posts ahead of the 28th CPSU congress .
28 During the first government of Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson , one of whose election slogans had been that he was going to introduce a white hot technological revolution , AEA was empowered by act of Parliament to undertaken R&D on non-nuclear topics .
29 The increasing judicial leniency shown to Sendero suspects had especially alienated the army from the judiciary , many of whose circuit judges had been habitually subjected to death threats by the guerrillas or were known to have accepted bribes from them .
30 On Nov. 13 , 1990 , the government announced that 7,000 Romanians whose asylum applications had been turned down and who had neither shelter nor work would be returned to Romania ( while another 3,000 had found work and would be allowed to remain ) .
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