Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [noun sg] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Her kind indulgence made me shrink a little .
2 READING about how Princess Anne bossed her new husband around on their wedding day made me wonder whether it is time the rules of royal succession were changed .
3 • Most professional male swimmers shave off their body hair to make them more streamlined and thus swim faster .
4 Gillian Murphy ( Mrs Seagrave ) has three young children and found that her career break made it difficult for her to get back into her chosen field of computer programming .
5 The underlying shifts which Hoggett identifies make it easier to view the local authority as a ‘ manager ’ of service delivery rather than its actual administrator .
6 The sunken city on its north shore makes it one of the few places in the world where it is possible to go hard aground on a Byzantine mosaic .
7 There may be pupils whose eye condition makes it difficult to tolerate bright light and who suffer to some extent from photophobia ( for instance those who are albinos or who have coloboma ) .
8 A man whose star sign made him her exact opposite .
9 Secondly , given the condition of expanded reproduction , a part of the social surplus-value will be embodied in use-values whose material form makes them suitable for use as means of production , i.e. , they appear exclusively in Dept .
10 When his home town made him an ‘ honoured citizen ’ some years ago , he reminded friends that ‘ they used to fling me in jail ’ .
11 Hoffman 's face has never been very expressive ( sometimes his rabbit stare makes me think that the great Maureen Stapleton has spawned an emotionally retarded.son ) , but he has always been able to get our empathy . ’
12 He 's a good sort and the relaxed atmosphere within his race transporter makes it a favoured social gathering point for Germans on the GP circuit .
13 That his jacket photograph makes him look more like Norman Bates than ever does n't help .
14 Schiller 's dual ‘ Superministry ’ attracted criticism however , his attempts to control public spending were unpopular and his bullying behaviour made him enemies .
15 Manitou , ( the Great Spirit ) was so touched by the Indian 's devotion that upon his death Manitou made him into a rock standing off the inlet , and that monument has been called Siwash Rock ever since .
16 Mix used cooking oil into your hoof oil to make it go further .
17 Accu-clear is a water clarifier which will cause bacteria , algae and loose dirt to clump together in your tank water making them removable by the filter , where they will usually be broken down .
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