Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Through reorganizing my course material over the last five years I have come to the conclusion that there is no one definitive structure for the study of electronic publishing .
2 We gave my home address over the air so that volunteers could send me a stamped , self-addressed envelope so that I could forward them a diet sheet .
3 I pay my men sixpence over the , the rate .
4 I began with some general considerations on the division of labour and social collectivities , then offered an account of the development of political forces and their support blocs over the post-war years .
5 Phrases such as ‘ TINA ’ ( ‘ there is no alternative ’ ) in answer to critics of her economic policy , and ‘ We want our money ’ ( ‘ I can not play Sister Bountiful to the Community ’ ) to her EEC partners over the perennial problem of Britain 's budget payments , sum up the spirit of what she feels and argues .
6 Iskandara was in the doorway of the train , her stick in her hand and her plaid shawl over a dark , braided travelling dress .
7 The estimated cost of its building maintenance over the coming decade is £10 million .
8 She smiled thinly and ran her index finger over the Biro scribble .
9 His lips parted a little , and she rubbed the pad of her index finger over the edge of his bottom teeth .
10 In all 3,200 middle-aged men were given either beta blockers or diuretics for their blood pressure over a 10-year period .
11 I met the management of Trent Buses , which operates in a very competitive , deregulated environment , and I am glad to say that its investment programme over the past five years has been impressive .
12 It seems that , although some substantial and long-standing export industries declined , others expanded their export sales over the post-war period ( although the rise slowed down in the early 1980s ) .
13 ‘ Even sceptics have to admit that the French have something to show for their research efforts over the past two years ’ concedes one scientific counsellor at a foreign embassy in Paris .
14 The Natural Environment Research Council , which co-ordinates much of Britain 's research into global warming , faces a 10 per cent cut in real terms in its research budget over the next five years — despite the fact that the government stresses the importance of its work .
15 What we are clearly seeing in some areas is roughly the same group of people exploiting the same local landscape for their subsistence requirements over a long period , but with successive generations living on different sites at different times .
16 The moon had risen but no sooner did it spill its silver light over the fields than it was swallowed up by cloud .
17 It plans to invest $6 billion-7 billion in its telephone network over the next ten years .
18 ‘ The Government has placed these companies on a sound financial basis to develop their core businesses over the years to come . ’
19 So if people are going into their Community Centre over the next week , they can expect to , to see part of this campaign ?
20 Unlike the 1991 Rugby World Cup , which took place over a whole month , not to mention the three months build-up , thereby allowing the sponsors to develop their marketing strategy over a long period of time , the World Sevens tournament is a three-day event , with the commercial potential of a ‘ Market blink ’ , as he puts it .
21 That statement on Monday about ongoing negotiations with Microsoft Corp , intended to arrest a long slide in the share price of Micro Focus Plc ( CI No 2,143 ) failed to prevent the shares shedding another 78 pence in Monday trading , leaving them at 2,110 pence , a far cry from the £30 they touched on February 15 : acceleration of the trend towards downsizing should if anything bring increased business to the company for its Cobol products over the next two or three years , and the signs are that as usual , the market has been overdoing things both ways — the shares were probably too high at £30 but are probably close to a bargain at £20 .
22 The Government plans to phase in its tax proposals over the next few years .
23 She hurriedly did as she was instructed , stretching her body right over the wooden top of the desk to grip the far edge .
24 In the quarter to June 30 , Nippon Silicon Graphics Inc increased its revenues 20% over the same quarter last year , to the equivalent of $107.9m .
25 Mrs Bridget Prentice 's victory followed that of her husband Gordon over the Tories in Pendle .
26 In the main cash market , dealers who have progressively flattened their trading books over the past two weeks were caught on the hop by the sudden decision of several large institutions to buy stock while voting was still going on .
27 The objective is to enable them to move EDI messages around the organisation and also , via the VAX , to exchange EDI communications with their trading partners over a range of different networks .
28 Note that GEC actually reduced its share capital over the period .
29 S 212 gives a public company the power to investigate the ownership of its shares by sending a written notice to any person or company which it believes has had an interest in its share capital over the previous three years .
30 Learn and remember about the bloodshed at Grunwick , the abuse of power by union barons with their iron control over the last Labour government , the continual disruption of industry by strikes , flying and mass pickets , the uncollected rubbish and unburied dead , inflation at 27 per cent .
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