Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] down the " in BNC.

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1 But I was a little person in er a commu community of little person and er my brothers worked down the pit and I believe it was an advantage not to be much greater than five foot in height down the pits .
2 My boss put down the Record , rose and stretched expansively .
3 My eye skips down the page .
4 I let my back slide down the pillar until I was virtually squatting on the floor .
5 My wife went down the fellside to a cottage and the lady kindly called 999 for help .
6 ‘ My father , Leslie , was his agent and I remember my father screaming down the phone at Joseph , usually about money !
7 My Bud went down the wrong way and I had a fit of choking .
8 Well er my mother went down the yard , I wo n't tell you about the other , sister .
9 My mother went down the yard and seen the boss and asked him if he could get and the fact that my mother went down the yard I suppose er he must have felt sorry for us .
10 My mother went down the yard and seen the boss and asked him if he could get and the fact that my mother went down the yard I suppose er he must have felt sorry for us .
11 The wind has varied for them between 20 and 40 knots and it has , in the main , blown from the west , allowing them sleigh rides down the faces of the big waves .
12 Nursing staff at the famous Beeson Ward had hoped for a last minute reprieve , but the Health Authority stuck by its decision to close down the only ward in the country where nurses , not doctors , have the responsibility for admitting and discharging patients .
13 Why did she feel no embarrassment or fear at letting her fingers trace down the hair-roughened muscles of his chest to skim the flat planes of his stomach and then move on ?
14 I like it when when wh it floods in town and you can go down and watch foreigners standing looking at the roofs of their cars floating down the Ouse and you think Yeah ! .
15 Her eyes ran down the black jacket to where the man 's watch was half hidden by a white cuff .
16 Madeleine started adding up again , nodding her head as her eyes strayed down the page , moving her lips .
17 They insist she puts a blanket over her knees to damp down the chief rabbi 's blood pressure .
18 And every parent has just been sent a letter — which claims ’ both Labour and the Liberal Demcrats have stated their intention to close down the remaining grammar schools . ’
19 Here was a star who could ask in all earnestness , ‘ What was the colour of the bearded villain 's folder that contained the nuclear secrets which Alan threw down the well before running towards the car park with his sister ? ’ secure in the knowledge that he would receive a suitably excited reply from Manchester Grammar 's finest .
20 It was a monologue called ‘ Good News ’ , in which Beattie enthused down the phone at great length to a young man who 'd apparently done her the most enormous good turn .
21 She saw only her darling come down the room Nicandra might have walked alone , so unaware was Aunt Tossie , for the moment , of the little friend .
22 One said he had spent some time in South Africa : ‘ The whites used their Bible to do down the black people . ’
23 PUBLICANS are campaigning on behalf of their customers to keep down the price of the pint in the Republic .
24 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
25 ‘ Diana — ’ her stepmother coo-ed down the table .
26 The general view of the exhibition shows , on the walls , the artist 's head ( passport photo portraits ) , from which tears flow down the Salomonic columns to feed a pool in which float 12 figures with emblems , and on which float five gold spheres .
27 Her voice came down the phone icy .
28 But the corkscrew had burst it like a corpulent balloon and its fluid ran down the tramp 's face , clear liquid mingling with blood .
29 Without a sound , the fire 's wicked eye changed colour as the villagers opened their doors to walk down the valley for the second sacrifice .
30 Here the myth of the founding text is most clearly articulated to that of the founding fathers , whose word lays down the laws of a history in which women and children do not count .
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