Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He argued that I can not know that my diary is in the ( closed ) bottom drawer of my desk unless I have reason to believe that my experience makes that proposition probable ; we can suppose , perhaps , that my relevant experience is that I remember having put the diary there five minutes ago and that I do not remember having touched the drawer since , together with my general knowledge of the consistent behaviour of the experienced world .
2 But I only have reason to believe that my experience makes that proposition probable if I have reason to believe quite generally that events which I have not observed are similar to events which I have observed .
3 I had a jumper that my mum knitted that went wrong and ended up twice the size it should have been .
4 It was by placing racism and heterosexism , along with sexism , at the centre of my training work that helped me stop being nervous about challenging heterosexism .
5 My grandfather thought that wax museums should be places of learning , too .
6 Its defenders claim that to create the impression of progress is in itself a vital part of crisis management .
7 The points that lie on the intersections of the horizontal and vertical Cantor sets will be points through which trajectories pass that do not leave our small region of interest in either forwards or backwards time .
8 However , Joanne and her parents agree that having the baby has brought them all closer together as a family , and it has provided a focus and role for her mother who , after Joanne 's account , tells her version of the way that this has positively transformed her life .
9 Sincerely though I respect the wish of hon. Members on both sides of the House to ensure that their constituents can benefit from access to the channel tunnel — I have no desire to stand in the way of their efforts to make that wish come true — I urge that the interests of my constituents , who will have to put up with untold misery for an extended eight-year period , should be given closer consideration than BR has given them hitherto .
10 Its members declared that divorce by consent would lead to social disaster .
11 It was not so much the observations and experiments which Galileo made that caused the break with tradition as his attitude to them .
12 It was one of the hardest battles of her life to drop that remark lightly into the charged atmosphere between them .
13 It is the economic analysis which Porter demands that determines what quality , product and service mean in each case .
14 Knowing exactly the freakish mood he had been in , her face assumed that smile the thought of Jasper so often evoked : modest , wistful and admiring , as if his vagaries of genius would for ever be beyond her .
15 Detection in the heteroplasmic strain of a new transcript whose size matched that expected of the fusion transcript indicated that the deleted genomes were indeed transcribed .
16 While O'Neill and his supporters represented that visit as the Republic s de facto recognition that the North did exist as a separate entity and that doing necessary economic business with the North meant the Republic attenuating its claims to the territory of Ulster , the conservative Protestants saw it as an horrendous betrayal of the history and sacrifice of Ulster Protestants .
17 Perhaps it was the fact that he kept his eyes shut that made her bold .
18 Darwin at the end of one of his books wrote that according to the unchanging world of his critics , there had been the fall of man into sinfulness and mankind were forever doomed to hopelessness , whereas in his ( Darwin 's ) theory of evolution , man had come from an inferior form , and because of this continuous progress , he commands a limitless potential .
19 Simultaneously his senses scrutinised that vault , every grim shadow of which was luminous to him , pierced by a light of purity which Rogal Dorn focused through the lens of his being …
20 She refused to budge until she 'd got one or two matters in order , and , ignoring the fact that he looked ready to go and hunt up her bag himself if she did n't soon move herself , ‘ Is it all right for you to invite me to Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's home ? ’ she asked for starters , and braved his acid glance that said he 'd hardly be likely to issue an invitation if it was n't .
21 But it was the sophisticated talent of his radio work that lingered .
22 It is no doubt for this reason that the Syrian foreign minister , Farouk at-Shara , has gone out of his way to emphasise that continued Syrian support depends on the way in which the West responds to what Syria perceives to be the fundamental problem of Middle Eastern security — the Arab-Israeli dispute and the Palestinian issue .
23 He did a hanging routine on his TV show that went wrong .
24 Or was it April showers that brought May flowers ?
25 Trist and his colleagues suggested that close managerial supervision was unsuitable to mining work , which was carried out in dangerous conditions .
26 It 's not what people say that gives 'em away , it 's what they do . ’
27 ‘ It 's what Kate thinks that counts . ’
28 Otherwise , it was always what Jackie said that counted .
29 Our experience shows that stud males only mate efficiently if they are used regularly but not more frequently than alternate nights .
30 Our research shows that Amex members generally lead active social lives , regardless of whether or not they spend their weekends risking life and limb and that there is a need for this sort of cover .
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