Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Comparing him to Demosthenes , in whom oratory compensated for a speech impediment , Storr juxtaposes two key scenes : young Winston being pelted with cricket balls and hiding behind a tree , and a slightly older Winston terrifying his friends ( and all but killing himself ) by jumping 30 ft off a bridge .
2 These ‘ five techniques ’ ( requiring prisoners to wear hoods over their heads unless they were separated from other inmates or being interrogated , having them stand spreadeagled against a wall for up to 43 hours , depriving them of sleep , subjecting them to electronic noise and beating them ) were subsequently condemned as ‘ torture ’ by the European Rights Commission ( Hewitt , 1982:157–8 ) .
3 Among the modern pictures are ‘ Guitare et journal ’ by Picasso of 1914 ( est. $3–4 million ) , formerly in the collection of the dancer Massine , with whom Picasso collaborated on a number of theatrical productions , and purchased by Rodgers from E.V .
4 I heard a terrible pounding in my ears , my heart thudding like a drum , my stomach lurching as I swung on the end of the rope .
5 I feel my heart beat like a boy 's
6 My stomach contracted and my heart went into a somersault .
7 My heart froze for a second , as if I had put on an elaborate disguise and suddenly been addressed by name — I did n't feel safe any more .
8 I had my heart set on a soft-top — preferably a Corvette or a Mustang — and I was n't going to let a spot of bracing weather stand in my way .
9 I stood up , holding on to the back of my chair , my heart beating like a hammer .
10 My heart overflows with a freedom
11 My heart leapt like a lift for joy .
12 And my heart returned to a human being 's heart beat rate in — oh , just a few days , give or take a month or two .
13 My heart rose to a tidal detonation ;
14 I just stood there , my heart banging like a sledge-hammer , and watched it slowly dawning on you .
15 My story begins with a visit to a great friend of mine , John Blackwell .
16 I 'd had enough of my hair looking like a toilet brush , so I always had it cut short — like Ronnie Lane 's of course — which was less hassle .
17 I was awful , in those days I was into acid green sleeks and I had my hair cut in a triangle When I saw Auntie Muriel I thought , if that 's the way you end up , working on a farm , I 'll stay at home and become an underresourced juvenile But it was n't up to me .
18 A bath was quickly prepared and , after being thoroughly scrubbed , had to suffer the indignity of having my hair cleaned with a nit comb — a most painful operation .
19 It was my privilege to present with a satellite dish as a retirement gift from his colleagues , customers and the company .
20 My case packed for an emergency is in that cupboard over there .
21 My chest ached with a child 's fear while I cringed in the deeply recessed doorway of North Three .
22 Bought my Paradise Lost in a second hand book and I ga , shop , and I gave it to Marion .
23 I 've got my foot trapped under a lump of concrete ! ’
24 ‘ Most of my money comes from a trust fund . ’
25 My sentence consists of a demonstrative pronoun , which acts as an ersatz name and fulfils the function of the subject , and a predicative expression .
26 I will grow my hair out to its natural colour until it falls long and lank about my shoulders , allow my skin to fade to a startling winter white .
27 What my solicitors finding from a letter let me tell you why I ask .
28 My mum goes on a Sunday ?
29 my mum went to a fortune teller and , and I had there like tears running Oh !
30 I think you 'll find , I do n't know whether it is but mum , my mum went to a car boot sale once and they were n't selling nothing over ten pounds , so the car boot sales
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