Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It urges them t to press for full prosecution disclosure and advises them of the frequent need to obtain their own evaluation of prosecution scientific evidence .
2 She watched the great elms but saw no movement ; they were quiet , now , though around them birds rose in short flight , then settled again .
3 Personally though I do n't mind hefty boots and would prefer to feel the greater support around my ankles offered by other boots in the High Country range .
4 After singing " Do n't think twice , it 's all right " , Dylan 's greatest song , my heart feels like shredded cabbage .
5 How I would wake weeping , and in the anguish of my heart exclaim upon sweet Calne in Wiltshire !
6 I can see the grime under my toenails , I can feel my hair hanging in greasy clumps .
7 My breathing slows to normal .
8 Or anti-communist , my bike hailing from pre-reunification DDR days .
9 And that tuned in well with my inclinations to look for formal qualities and make more or less abstract patterns out of nature .
10 Personally , I prefer the heads on my woods made from seasoned wood .
11 One or two other teachers were encouraged by my willingness to argue against racial prejudice and became more vocal themselves .
12 The last thing I wanted when I was so worried about what was happening with my own daughter was to spend my sentence surrounded by pregnant women .
13 There were no details other than the knowledge of a fountain of sparks and my skin dissolving like hot margarine .
14 As I try to sleep , my mattress raised on corrugated iron sheeting to discourage the rats from running over me , I hear a familiar sound : click-click , click-click , click-click .
15 Mind you , that 's where I forget I , I know my fingers look like black puddings !
16 As a result of the Priority Japan campaign , which my Department launched with British industry , British exports to Japan have risen by no less than 80 per cent .
17 My mind blanked on alternate minutes , my heartbangs sounded like the 4.30 at Epsom , and my mouth felt like cat-litter .
18 Irina talked , Bill dozed , my mind went on automatic pilot .
19 In an autobiographical account written a couple of years later , he described himself in having been " absolutely alone , of the most painful experiences and disappointments " ; and of his first response to " Schpenhauer 's masterpiece " he wrote that " in this book , in which every line cried out renunciation , denial and resignation , I saw a mirror in which I espied the whole world , life and my mind depicted in frightful grandeur " .
20 I step back , then turn and run , the clinging wetness round my thighs going from warm to cold as I race beneath the snow-shrouded trees towards the house .
21 My informants stood in great awe of the Sultan , known as the Amoita , who ruled Aussa , and insisted that he hated all Europeans .
22 In visor and sunshades I swatted antipodean flies , my cheeks padded with sponges and my eyes squinting through blue contact lenses , and the whole world thought it was a backdrop .
23 To put it simply : I can never have just one thought about the spectacles , and if it could be truly said that I was only able to entertain , say , two or ten thoughts about them — if my thinking consisted of discrete , countable thoughts — then they would not be thoughts at all .
24 And [ wa ] others felt a similar shock at my intention to talk about political jokes relating to contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and suggested that I should confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
25 My feet look like discarded lumps of sponge .
26 What happened instead was that after a while Filmer and Daffodil appeared in my view , making a diagonal course towards the station buildings , and pretty soon afterwards , accompanied by a lot of bell-ringing and warning hooters , a huge bright yellow diesel engine came grinding and groaning past my window followed by long corrugated silver coaches as the whole of the regular Canadian rolled up the track next to the race train and stopped precisely alongside .
27 Although I 'm basically a freelance , most of my work comes through various agencies . ’
28 Only last month , my council applied for extra funding for another eight young people to be retained in the constituency rather than making the futile trek southwards .
29 Will my vehicle run on unleaded
30 I poured my heart , soul and a couple of vats from Nettles brewery into making it a cohesive , disciplined goal-scoring machine , only to see my dream sabotaged by soccer-illiterate shopkeepers and eleven Lego-legged , sloth-brained idiots in vaguely matching shorts .
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