Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [be] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 My story was that I was the orphaned son of my father 's long-lost younger brother , and only staying on occasional extended holidays on the island while I was passed from relative to relative and my future was decided .
2 One thing I realised about my renewal of my faith is that I had nothing to do with it !
3 I 'll tell you what my present was and I think you 'll understand .
4 Oh I was in repudiation of my contract well I du n no what what it means to repude some things , you know I jumped to get a dictionary and found out , but I really do n't know what my contract was because I do n't think we ever had any .
5 All I can say in my defence is that I have nothing now in my life that I would need to hide from you . ’
6 My difficulty is that I have n't spent 40 years as an umpire or whatever , and there is a tension between people like that and those like me .
7 The thing that 's teasing my mind is that I 'm fairly sure he asked me not to tell anyone he 'd been there . ’
8 The furthest fucking thing from my mind was that I 'd be a clothing manufacturer . ’
9 The thought uppermost in my mind was that I had always wondered how young horses felt when I knocked wolf teeth out of them .
10 I tell you , a few years ago when I was lying in my hospital bed , one of the things that went through my mind was whether I would be able to drive again .
11 Well what really set my mind was when I lost my sister and my brother .
12 One thing , however , that is widely known about my snooker is that I am never more dangerous than when being profoundly humiliated .
13 My intention is that I should leave at the end of the year .
14 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
15 My reply is that I have sought to identify some of the congeries of qualities of the legal institution of marriage , not to identify its ‘ essence ’ .
16 My reply was that I doubted if any such plan had a remote chance of success , and that I would want to be assured of the truthfulness and authenticity of the document he was planning to send me .
17 What would my attitude be if I had a difficult or long journey to work ?
18 I think what is quite interesting about my work is that I was non-disabled , then became disabled , and I operate at these borders .
19 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
20 ‘ His criticism of my sermon was that I had not gone far enough , ’ continued Father Kipling .
21 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
22 My point was that I was intrigued as to who was representing the racing Press on the panel of voters .
23 And he had to do that every year in order to satisfy his stance his hat that he was wearing , that he was actually being the boss , and knocking the workers down , look I 'm holding down , what twenty-two point on six , er and he believed that my need was that I could go back to my manager , and say , look I got him up to two point one , .
24 ‘ He once said that one of my weaknesses was that I was n't vindictive enough , ’ said the urbane and distinctly ungrudging Foster , hugging a radiator .
25 This is an oral history project tape , my name is and I am interviewing of Ipswich .
26 erm my name is and I work for my objective of this really is to reappraise my presentation skills .
27 So I must restate the question as ‘ What would my priorities be if I were now what the Minister of Health was then ? ’
28 My theory is that I have to unmartyr him .
29 It is a right I reserve for all adults and one of the nicest things about being my age is that I can do whatever I like .
30 The only time I might lie about my age is if I met a toy boy ! ’
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