Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 More marble-sized lumps have sprung up on my neck and in my right armpit and the lump on my thigh is growing fast .
2 And I found that he was universally right — by which I mean that I was answerable in my body and in my heart for what was done to my brother .
3 Like this cold with me , it 's like in my nose and in my
4 Perhaps , though regrettably , they are not seen as a central core of independence which may reside elsewhere-'in my head or in my dreams ' .
5 Beatrix wrote to say her brother had served with my father and in his last letter to her before dying had asked her to find out whether his old comrade was still alive . ’
6 get blisters over me wherever it touches try and eat one , I 'd have them on my tongue and in my mouth and everywhere .
7 because validity of the section fourteen is the question for ultimate trial , we 're not seeking interim relief against that , we have n't done that my Lord that in our submission is the highest and the best that they could achieve erm properly erm which was to avoid a stay on a reference and they could then continue with the proceedings rather than be put off for a , a very , you know what maybe a year and a half , er if the court dealt with it in the normal way , or perhaps even a little bit longer , erm , but to actually go to further than that and to deny the defendant the right to put up a , a proper E E C defence , my Lord in my submission would be erm without the jurisdiction of the court .
8 He could always find fault with something , either in my writing or in my personality — something not difficult to achieve because I have always laid myself open to easy attack .
9 I told Lord Dilhorne that I would ask my doctor whether in his opinion I could last the course if the task were laid upon me .
10 right , so , he is there as er Jean er has read to us , seated at the , at the father 's right hand , he 's there on the throne , but Paul also says , talks about erm in the last verse there which is his body the fullness of , the fullness of him through Jesus who feels all in all , by the holy spirit although the glorified resurrected body of Jesus is on the throne , by the holy spirit he is everywhere , that 's why he 's with you and he 's with me and he 's with a folk in Timbuktu and in Honolulu , he is every where by the holy spirit , so now thinking of his exhortation again , as the God man , Jesus now fully and always makes use of the divine powers and attributes that are his , all power belongs to him and it 's because that he says to his disciples you 're to go into all the world and I am with you because all power is mine , all power , all authority is given onto me , therefore says Jesus , because of that you can go because you 're going in my strength and in my authority .
11 Tutilo is within my walls and in my charge .
12 My anguish must have shown in my face and in my voice .
13 Her life must have been hard for she not only produced ten children , one of whom died in infancy but also gave birth to my mother when in her forty-fifth year .
14 Patients of both groups were comparable in their ages and in their smoking and drinking habits .
15 Moreover there seems little practical recognition of the fact that teachers vary , in their knowledge , in their experience and in their confidence .
16 He considers that our society is a secularist one , not in its values but in its rejection of the beliefs supporting those values .
17 The main innovators of this transformation were not scientists but artists , especially Alberti , Brunelleschi and Leonardo , who created on their canvases and in their architecture and treatises a new conception of space .
18 Meanwhile , in America , there was Patti Smith , fully fledged cult idol and female rock star whose own heroes were largely male ( Morrison , Richards , Jagger , Rimbaud ) and whose sexuality was ambivalent in her look and in her poems and music .
19 The achievement of Edward IV and Henry VII lay less in the size of their income than in their creation of a landed estate which gave them a substantial revenue over which they had complete control .
20 the foresters attach likewise the good folk of their demesne woods and lands , and amerce them grievously ; and the small folk they attach at their homes and in their enclosures and in their crofts among the towns .
21 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
22 She has little in her mind or in her mouth other than platitudes .
23 The smoke got in their eyes and in their hair , they were impregnated with wood-smoke , while the carcase crackled and browned , and now and then spat into flame .
24 It is a happiness so mild and cool that it is like a kind of saintliness after passion : yet it is not satiety … for if she has any unhealth , it is from me ; and that more of her lips than in her heart . ’
25 There was salt on her lips and in her hair , and a fine white film covered her limbs , stiffening the skin .
26 On the next point , what initially appeared to have been an ace down the middle by Forget was shown to be no more than wishful thinking by spectators now spending more time on their feet than in their seats .
27 Briefly , empowerment education involves people in group efforts to identify their own problems , critically to analyze the cultural and socioeconomic roots of the problems , and to develop strategies to effect positive changes in their lives and in their communities .
28 I pointed to where , just visible against the dark-background of the cliffs , the grey boat raced , the foam white under her bows and in her long wake .
29 He is present in its ministry , in its preaching , in its sacraments , in its prayers and in its witness .
30 At 70 , Nancy is now less stable on her feet than in her younger days , and find standing at the canvas while demonstrating , quite a strain .
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