Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Although I would have kept all the notes and drafts and I could , therefore , reconstruct how a poem is written , it 's my experience that once it 's been written it 's very hard for me to imagine back to the time when it was n't written .
2 They had a row in my presence and when it was over my father gave my mother five hundred pounds . ’
3 I 'm just wondering if it 's my teeth or that it 's just my blood that 's doing it .
4 Er I hope that makes the matter clear , because when we come to make a decision on this group of amendments , er when I er seek the opinion of the er Committee on my Amendment five , I shall only be seeking agreement to Amendment five and its related amendments er eight and eleven and if the Noble Lord , Lord er if , if the House were er to disagree with my Amendment or if it were to be withdrawn and the Noble Lord , Lord amendment were , were put , I think he would agree that it would only tha that that a decision by the Committee would only relate to the amendments in his name because we have in fact four alternatives before us which we are debating together .
5 It would be otherwise if I had my husband with me and my first-born but as it is I feel neither one thing or the other .
6 It also offers superior distortion sounds , which leads me to my conclusion that if it 's just a simple , workable sound processor you 're looking for , with the least financial outlay , then the ME-6 will do the job .
7 On the street again , suddenly I felt I was in the middle of a farce — ‘ POLICE SEARCH FOR THE BIG BANANA IS ON — and the discovery that actually I did have my cheque numbers in my moneybelt and that it was the photocopies that had been stolen made me almost light-headed .
8 You may tell me that your personal life is not my concern and that it is not for me to comment — and you would be justified however , I can not help but make it my concern because I have your future very much at heart .
9 rate you have to add at first , you can drink it while it 's fermenting , it 's quite a refreshing drink a bit tart to my taste but when it ferments out it becomes er a liquor called Arak which is their version of .
10 I wondered uneasily whether he would be able to see from my face that though it might be the truth , it was not the whole truth .
11 It landed six inches from my face and before it had stopped quivering in the ground , a red one slapped down next to it .
12 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
13 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
14 Mixed-motive officials are of three types : ( a ) zealots — they are especially obsessive about particular pet policies even though no one else may share their enthusiasm and although it may be detrimental to the organisation as a whole ; ( b ) advocates — concerned with getting things done and loyal to a broader set of policies ; ( c ) statesmen — concerned with the good of the state or society as a whole .
15 ‘ Tell everyone how much you like their present and if it 's money , say what you 're spending it on , ’ advised Anna , writing fast .
16 Vernon interrupted , noticing the way she held her arm up against her chest as though it was in a sling .
17 The gas was given its name because steam is used in its preparation and because it burns with a bright blue flame .
18 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
19 And despite all its promise it is not yet clear whether it will pull capitalism out of its recession or whether it will only serve the interests of affluent minorities .
20 Bernice felt something , some force , move through her , penetrating her skin as though it were ether .
21 Mambo Leo was popular not for its opinions but because it was well produced , entertaining and readable ; nevertheless , its popularity did not mean that its readers either believed or trusted it .
22 She thought that once she would have been described as an ‘ old maid ’ and wondered whether she could blame her brothers or if it was all her own fault for being too easy-going .
23 In all the circumstances of this case I have come to the conclusion that on balance the children 's interests are better served by their being allowed to remain in England pending a determination by the High Court , in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction , as to their future and whether it be in England or Australia .
24 As we shall see , a gene may increase in frequency not because it increases the fitness of its carrier but because it associates with other genes that do , or even because it is in a sense parasitic on other genes .
25 Piper had started using Red Indian names for its aircraft and when it inherited the ‘ poor man 's Dakota ’ from Stinson the double fin and rudder layout was replaced with a single one and it was decided to call it the Apache .
26 In San Salvador , the Committee headquarters is a table under the shelter of three mango trees in the garden of the Archbishopric- Their files are kept in the garden shed where the CDHES has its offices but when it rains , there is no alternative but to close up shop .
27 The miner 's body is loved in the literature of men , because of its work and because it works .
28 In most cases we will be asking when a particular parish or set of parish boundaries was first defined , and if that was the date of its origin or if it is older .
29 I did n't actually like Paula very much — she flaunted her wealth as though it was marked with a price tag — but I did n't actively dislike her .
30 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
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