Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a novel which communicates the notion that talented and untalented meet in that country of the mind where everyone copies and steals from everyone else , where everything is reproductive or reminiscent of everything else , where one thing leads to another and this person passes into that .
2 I seized that bloody pole , swinging the barge round even as I felt the water beneath me slop and gurgle as if maliciously laughing at me , waiting to embrace us in its frozen grasp .
3 She detailed Amy to take them into the interview room and give them tea and stay with them , and she and Ben went alongside the trolley into Resus .
4 He said nothing to me about my fears for my sanity and behaved as if what we were doing were a common exercise , undertaken for purely scientific purposes .
5 I drain the last of my whisky and look into the empty glass .
6 As I opened the door , a white streak flashed past my ankles and vanished around the first turn of the spiral .
7 I filled the crack above with belay nuts , tied off , and eventually relaxed enough to hang into my harness and haul in the rope .
8 I think this single gimmick was enough to provide the detection element wile Ghote 's investigations among the more likely looking suspects enabled me , with diversions , to tell my story and to reflect in various ways on lines drawn and wedges advanced .
9 I showered carefully , starting at my hair and ending between my toes and under my toenails .
10 I 'd been on duty in the Met Office since 8am , and managed to comb my hair and put on some lipstick before going straight down to the dance with June , one of the other Met Waafs .
11 The young doctor in charge of my case insisted on telling my GP and wrote to him , but the letter was later withdrawn and suppressed by his superior at my request .
12 I slipped out of my hiding-place and went to St John 's Wood .
13 ‘ And it was you who searched my case and came into my room in the night and opened my bag .
14 is a one in a thousand one in a thousand like my my Gerald that thought about his duties , his responsibilities , his tender fatherly fig .
15 It 's about the size of one joint on your little finger , and it went sideways through my chest and stopped in my right arm .
16 I indicated my chest and made like the Happy Wanderer up and down the terrace .
17 I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of .
18 Sometimes I 'd stamp my foot and cry in a completely feminine burst of frustration and he 'd stand bewildered , pleading ignorance and apologising .
19 In her relations with Willy she has constantly to choose between her ‘ postface ’ and her ‘ preface ’ : ‘ I shall put on my postface and mimagree , unless I put on my preface and go through the routine ’ ( 16,138 ) .
20 Quelling panic , I took out my notes and glanced through them hastily .
21 ‘ For God 's sake , Jimmy , get my stick and cuffs from the bar . ’
22 ‘ I pleaded guilty because I realised I was in breach of my contract and expected to be punished .
23 Give up my PhD and live off Charles and have babies ? ’
24 He nodded in my direction and looked at his watch .
25 It was finally time for me to pack up my tent and vanish into the summer afternoon .
26 You came without warning and without asking my permission and sat with her at the back of the lecture theatre , exchanging glances and comments .
27 I moved my pyjamas , spare underclothes , a couple of shirts and a few other necessaries from my bungalow and stayed in the hospital bed next to Jimbo 's , snatching sleep and meals when Miss Sowerby took over .
28 The flowers that I had still been clutching when they carried me back to the house had been prised from my fingers and left in a plastic bag on top of the fridge .
29 I fumbled Lewis 's key into the ignition , the gauntlets handicapping my fingers and adding to the impression that I felt like a spaceman dropped into molasses for gravity training .
30 I quenched the candle flame with my fingers and slid into the bed chamber .
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