Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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31 He had such a huge lump on his head I thought he had fractured his skull . ’
32 When I spoke to his assistant she told he had said his last word on the subject and did not want to hear of it again .
33 I always looked very young for my age and from his manner I suspected he thought I was a schoolgirl .
34 When he hangs up his gloves he says he 'll just be doing alot more gardening instead .
35 He lived down Gypsy Lane with his two sisters , he was a single man you see and my father and mother lived here and my , they not only mended shoes but they made them and er course naturally , you know , well of course Needham was n't as big as it is now but they made them for the best people , if that , if that 's the right , not the right expression say , but er but you know what I mean er and er and he , you know , all his life you see he did that and then one day he had a shock because his er , what would you call him colleague , he , he died suddenly in the night .
36 To his relief he found he was above the trees and looking down into a murkiness that was beginning to map itself below him into defined and recognizable shapes .
37 Grubby little man he may be — he shits in my presence without embarrassment — yet in his thought I perceive he is fastidious .
38 When he got his giro I think he used to pay then and there .
39 From his expression I see he has no idea the jolt he gave me .
40 ‘ She 's not here , ’ he told her with a mocking ring to his tone which showed he knew exactly what she was thinking .
41 His eagerness to please ensured that he was put upon , and judging by the worn state of his clothes she guessed he was paid a pittance for it .
42 He held his audience all through his speech you felt he was in touch and in sympathy with them and they with him .
43 When we got to his house we found he was out so Dad poked a message under his door .
44 When Captain Maestrangelo got back to his office he realized he had eaten far too much too quickly in an effort to keep up with the Substitute .
45 There is no evidence for this , which is probably why the quality of their argument can fall so low , with Shamir saying of perhaps the most influential and long-standing of PLO ‘ moderates ’ , Khalid Hassan , that ‘ when you see his face you know he can not be trusted . ’
46 Paige looked down , knowing that whatever decision she made he would abide by .
47 West wins this third Diamond trick with the Queen and all he has left in his hand are 3 Hearts , and whatever card he plays he must give you the last three tricks in that suit .
48 What help he thinks he could give , I ca n't imagine .
49 After the match he was asked what punishment he thought he might receive .
50 He was wearing riding boots again and breeches , and over whatever jacket he had he wore a full calico garment like a surplice , liberally smeared with paint .
51 He 's walking like that , it 's like walking round town with a bloody magnet on your back you know he 's there , he 's there .
52 I mean you know well is probably just about to become a member of our flight I mean he 's going through he 's just about to go to the R A F College in Cranwell
53 Yeah , oh , well April is Easter , April nineteen , twenty , twenty one , twenty two , and it looks like your father he said he might take some time in n it ?
54 When it was our turn I found he had been right about the word antiquarian giving the immigration officers something to think about .
55 Last night he told TODAY : ‘ We were able to trace Watson after a member of the public contacted us and gave us information which suggested he was responsible for these attacks .
56 for her and I knew it was only hardboard , well knowing your dad I knew he would n't put
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