Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] as [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Esther says of Mrs Jellyby : her voice impressed my fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too Ch 8 and of Mr Turveydrop :
2 Seventy-five years later , whenever I feel the sun on my face , it springs as fresh in my mind as if it occurred yesterday .
3 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
4 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
5 Around his waist he wore a broad leather belt with a bone-handled knife clasped in a sheath and as usual in the presence of the coolies his right hand rested on its hilt as if it were a ceremonial sword .
6 Clutching her stick as if it were an offensive weapon , she made for the door .
7 The maid took the plate from her mistress as if it were hot .
8 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
9 She could n't resist embroidering the description , seeing it all in her mind as if it had really happened .
10 She pulled off her clothes frantically , tearing her blouse , ripping off her skirt as if it were slimed with something dark and evil-smelling .
11 Most countries tax multinationals on an ‘ arm 's length ’ basis , calculating the profits that the firm earned within their borders as if it had done so through a stand-alone business , operating at arm 's length from the parent firm .
12 She was clutching a large handbag on her lap as if it was a shield .
13 The Thames was flowing full and furious , the water greedily lapping their feet as if it would like to catch them and drag them under its swollen black surface .
14 They are fighting for their enslavement as if it were a question of their salvation .
15 She raked her damp hair from her brow as if it would help , but it did n't ; she just could n't think .
16 Still smiling from her thoughts , she placed her hands on his broad , muscular shoulders , feeling the strength of his hands lifting down her body as if it weighed nothing at all .
17 His mother had always flaunted her poverty as if it were a virtue , so there had been no reason to believe she owned an asset as substantial as a house .
18 Mrs. Mott asked , holding the brown teapot to her bosom as if it were a precious chalice .
19 The background tells more than the people or the happenings : the water-sprinkler on the lawn ; the hateful birds with their ‘ strident and spiteful noises ’ and ‘ those banal exchanges from tree to tree , mockings and bickerings and sudden solo trillings ’ ; the cook with a napkin fastened round her head as if it were a Stilton cheese … .
20 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
21 ‘ I ask that you will accommodate Anne Duchess of York , my daughter-in-law in your household , ’ Elizabeth Woodville had written — after enquiring as to her friend 's health , reminiscing about former days and passing on to the matter of her daughter-in-law as if it were of little consequence .
22 The children stared ravenously at her dress as if it had been spun out of sugar .
23 Remembering the night before she threw her knife from her hand as if it was red hot , then tried to push the sticky mass of bread and margarine underneath the bread wrapper .
24 Once she was inside his trousers , her slim fingers caressed his sleeping organ until it jumped in her hand as if it had been bitten .
25 Though the words were softly spoken and polite , the look in Michele 's eyes made David drop her hand as if it were red-hot and step back .
26 The superintendent sighed and turned the paper round and round in her hands as if it were a visual conundrum that could be solved by approaching the problem from an unexpected angle .
27 Then she sipped brandy and hunched over her glass as if it were a fire .
28 ‘ Oh , it 's very primitive , ’ she apologised , and described their scullery as if it had been converted .
29 The bodice clung to her breasts as if it had been moulded to her , a thin diamanté halter giving an illusion of safety .
30 Emma did n't answer , but she put her hand up and pulled her scarf tightly around her throat as if it would stop the throbbing that was coming up from between her ribs and aiming to choke her .
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