Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] if they had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But there would n't have been any damage to my property if they had fixed the damp in the first place a year ago . ’
2 So they must be paid all arrears of wages , granted full pension rights accruing through continuity of employment , and given any pay increases that would have been their due if they had not been dismissed .
3 Miss Worthington often felt it would have been an unendurable sorrow to her parents if they had lived to witness the extent of the deterioration .
4 The crowd seemed to be getting a little impatient just before the goal ( as I 'm sure we all were listening to it on the radio ) but can you imagine what the scum crowd would ahve been doing to their team if they had n't scored within twenty minutes ?
5 On Feb. 16 the Serbian LC further demanded that what it termed " illegal immigrants " from Albania should be repatriated , and that those who had been granted Yugoslavian citizenship should be stripped of their rights if they had acted against the constitutional order .
6 Up to 50 per cent of people with heart disease or cancer could probably have prevented or delayed the onset of their illness if they had eaten a better diet or stopped smoking .
7 The lesson concluded with the request that the youngsters should go home and make the ‘ beans on toast for themselves ’ and ask their mothers if they had described the process accurately .
8 Most shrines were the property of people who could visit them easily , and who might find it expedient to assemble there to show their strength if they had land disputes with their neighbours .
9 Lord Sands in Murray v IRC at p138 stated : Now , that would be a sound view [ the view that expenses could not be deducted ( author 's insertion ) ] no doubt if any expenses that were incurred before any payment was made to her had been expenses incurred by somebody she had employed to collect the money , because then these expenses would have been her expenses if they had been incurred by someone whom she was free to employ or not to employ .
10 Now as a national organizer all the branches in your area if they had any complaints or anything that they wanted attending to used to write to their national organizer and I used to visit and deal with their complaints .
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